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                                                   Value Added Services

           Stakeholder Value Creation Scorecard      Strategic Imperative      thousands of eBooks on a wide range
                                                     Thought Leadership        of subjects from accounting, forensic
                                                    Skill Development and      accounting, supply chain management
                                                       Specialisation          and modern management to economics,
                 Corporates                                                    macroeconomics, microeconomics,
                                                      Globally Aligned
                                                                               management information systems,
                                                                               finance, business statistics, international
          Regional Conference Galle                                            business, strategic management, human
                                                                               resources management, marketing,
          CA Sri Lanka first ever regional
          conference was held in Galle on 25th                                 international management, business
          March 2022, a landmark event that                                    communication and countless others.
          signalled a new chapter in the CA’s                                  The e-library facility also offers the
          customary conference model. A spin off                               latest updated version of the ACCA/
          from the CA Sri Lanka flagship Annual                                CIMA/ICAEW Workbooks and Practice
          National Conference, the Regional event                              & Revision Kit. In 2022, nearly 6,000 CA
          was organised with the dual objectives of                            members and more than 30,000 students
          creating a forum to engage CA members                                accessed the e-library facility.

                                                                               The CA Sri Lanka physical library was
                                                                               also reopened in early 2022, after being
                                             Regional Conference -Galle
                                                                               shut for over 18 months due to pandemic
                                             Regional Conference Kandy         related restrictions.
                                             The second Regional Conference by
                                             CA Sri Lanka was held in Kandy with   CA Student Best Speaker Contest
                                             similar objectives as the Galle Regional   The CA Student Best Speaker Contest
                                             Conference. The Kandy Conference was   is an annual event which has been
                                             held on 16th December 2022 at The   conducted since 2013 to provide a
                                             Grand Kandyan Hotel, Kandy under the   platform for the students to sharpen
                                             theme “Unconventional”. Session topics   their public speaking skills. The Student
                                             were carefully curated and framed around   Best Speaker Contest was conducted
                                             the headline theme with Session 01 titled   successfully in 2022 for the 9th
          Regional Conference -Kandy
                                             Crisis is more than ‘Business as Usual’,   consecutive year.
          residing in the Southern Province as well   Session 02 - “Be Entrepreneurial: How
          as to encourage SMEs in the area to get   Does Entrepreneurship Fare in Times
          more involved in developing the regional   of Crisis and what can it accomplish?”
          economy.                           and concluding with Session 03 on
                                             “Rebuilding Businesses by Bouncing
          The highly insightful full day conference   Back and Bouncing Forward”. Over 250
          was held at the Weligama Bay Marriott   delegates were present at the Regional
          Resort & Spa under the theme “The   Conference in Kandy, in person.
          Future”. The ceremonial inauguration of
          the event was followed by three sessions   CA Sri Lanka Library
          by an eminent panel of speakers invited                              Winner of the Best Speaker Contest 2022
          to discuss highly topical subjects in the   The CA Sri Lanka Library has always been
          current context. Session 01 was on   a foundational pillar of the Institute’s   English for Starters Course
          “SME: Driver of the Future”, followed by   learning infrastructure.   The course ‘English for Starters’ was
          Session 02 on “Technology: Connector to   During the pandemic library resources   launched by MELC in 2022. The main
          the Future” and concluding with the final   were digitised and converted into an   objective of the programme is to uplift
          session on “Leadership: Catalyst of the   e-library with CA students, the member   the language skills of students who need
                                             fraternity and registered corporate users   more support to improve their skills while
                                             granted remote access via the e-library   making them ready for English medium
          Over 230 delegates attended the event   mobile application through their authorised   education.
          and around 220 participated in person,   login credentials. The e-Library contains
          while the remainder participated through
          the virtual platform.
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