Page 24 - 2596-CA SR Lanka- Annual Report 2022
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          Mr. Chamara Abeyratne             Mr. Nuwan Withanage                Mr. R.A.L. Udaya Kumara
          FCA, Bsc. (Accountancy) Special, ACMA  FCA, ACCA - UK, MBA (Business   FCA, Bsc(Fin.Mgt.USJP), MFE(Col.),PGD
                                            Administration) PIM (University of Sri   (comm. Kel.),Cap. Mkt (GWU,USA)
          Partner of KPMG Sri Lanka and Maldives   Jayewardenepura), Bachelor of Business
                                            Management (Finance) Sp. University of   Director at the Department of Public
          Mr. Abeyratne serves as the Chairman of   Kelaniya, ACMA.            Enterprises
          Student Training and Skill Development
          Committee. He also serves as the   Chief Financial Officer - Softlogic Life   Mr. Udaya Kumara has over 12 years
          Alternate Chairman of the National   Insurance PLC and Independent Director   of experience in the General Treasury
          Conference Committee and Alternate   JFS Holdings Limited.           where he has been actively involved in
          Chairman of Member Relations                                         engaging with oversight of major State
          Committee and a member of the     Mr. Withanage serves as Member of the   Owned-Enterprises. He has served as
          Finance and Administration Committee,   Sustainability Reporting and Assurance   a Board Member of many State-Owned
          Examinations Committee, Education and   Task Force of South Asian Federation of   Enterprises including the Employees’
          Curriculum Development committee and   Accountants (SAFA). He is the youngest   Trust Fund Board, Coconut Research
          Exemptions and Reciprocal Arrangements   CFO to awarded as CFO Excellence   Institute, Kurunegala Plantations Ltd, Sri
          Task Force. Mr. Abeyratne serves in the   Award from CMA Sri Lanka.  Lanka Handicraft Board, and Sri Lanka
          SAFA Committee on Educations, Training                               Insurance Corporation among many
          and CPD                           He also serves as the Chairman of the   others. He currently serves as a board
                                            CPD committee, Student Enrollment   member for Vocational Training Authority
          Mr. Laknath Jayawikrama           and counselling committee, the Task   and the Buddhasasana Fund.
          FCA, FCMA, B.Sc.(Accountancy) special   force to Develop Non-Financial Reporting
          - University of Sri Jayewardenepura   Practices in Sri Lanka and Committee   He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Financial
          Attorney-at-Law, LLB              of the preparation of CA Sri Lanka   Management and has earned a Master’s
                                            Annual Report. He also serves as,   in Financial Economics. He has also
          Independent Practitioner/FinTax legal   Member of Finance and Administration   completed a Capital Markets Programme
          visiting Lecturer                 Committee, Financial Reporting Standards   at George Washington University,
                                            Implementation and Interpretation   Washington DC with an internship at
          Mr. Jayawickrama serves as the Chairman   Task Force and Member of SLFRS 17   the International Finance Corporation as
          of the Business School Committee and he   Implementation Task Force of CA Sri   a short-term Consultant. He serves as
          is a member of the Tax Faculty & Forensic   Lanka                    the Chairman of the Public Sector Task
          Accounting Faculty. He also serves as a                              Force of CA Sri Lanka as well as the Vice
          member of the Exemption & Reciprocal   Mr. Withanage also serves as the   President of the Board of Management
          Arrangement Task Force. He is a Fellow   Chairman of the Financial and Technical   of the Association of Public Finance
          member of the Institute of Chartered   Committee (CFO forum of Insurance   Accountants of Sri Lanka (APFASL).
          Accountants as well as the Institute of   Sector of Sri Lanka) and council member
          Certified Management Accountants of Sri   of Open University of Sri Lanka. He counts
          Lanka.                            over 18 years of managerial experience in
                                            Strategy, Finance, Investor Relation, Audit,
          Mr. Jayawickrama obtained B.Sc.   and General Management.
          (Accountancy) special degree from the
          University of Sri Jayewardenepura and
          a Bachelor of Laws degree from the
          Open University of Sri Lanka. He is
          also an attorney-at-Law at the Supreme
          Court of Sri Lanka. Mr. Jayawickrama
          counts over 20 years post qualifying
          experience in Sri Lanka, Africa, South
          and East Asia in commercial sector as
          well as in practice lastly as a partner of
          a law firm in Sri Lanka before embarking
          as an Independent Practitioner. His
          lecturing scope covers law, tax, regulatory
          affairs with a number of Universities &

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