Page 23 - 2596-CA SR Lanka- Annual Report 2022
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Mr. Jayampathy Molligoda Mr. Saman Sri Lal Mr. Thivanka Jayasinghe
Mr. Molligoda has obtained his MBA from Managing Partner RTA Sri Lanka Partner PWC Sri Lanka and Maldives
Post graduate Institute of Management, (Ratnayake T A & Co.) Managing Director
University of Sri Jayewardenepura and Business Allied Services (Private) Limited. Mr. Jayasinghe serves as the Chairman
also successfully completed an ‘Executive Managing Director of SSL Secretaries of the TAGS Awards Committee and the
Strategy Programme’ at Victoria University (Private) Limited. Branding Committee of CA Sri Lanka. He
Melbourne, Australia. He counts over is a member of the Statutory Auditing
forty-two years of executive experience Mr. Sri Lal serves as the committee Standards Committee and the SAFA
in the Fields of Financial Management, member of International Audit Committee Committee on Auditing Standards and
Strategic Planning, International Tea and Taxation and Transfer Pricing Quality Control. Mr. Jayasinghe has
Marketing & Plantation Management Committee of IECnet, France. He is the served on many Committees of CA Sri
and Human Resource Development. He Chairman of the Regional Conference Lanka in the past and has also been the
worked at Bogawantalawa Tea Estates Committee, Journal Committee, President of the Practicing Accountants
PLC for 28 years and he served as Capacity Building of SME Task Force and Chartered Students Society. He has also
Deputy Chairman/CEO at the time of his Alternate Chairman for Tax School. He served as the President of the Institute
retirement in December 2019. He served also serves in the Tax Faculty, Financial of Internal Auditors Sri Lanka Chapter,
as Chairman, Sri Lanka Tea Board from Reporting Standards Implementation Council Member of AAT Sri Lanka and
December 2019 until his retirement in and Interpretation Task Force (FRSIITF), a member of the Financial Systems
May 2022. He also served at Bank of Student Training Committee, National Stability Consultative Committee of the
Ceylon as Non-Executive Director (up Conference Committee, CPD Committee, Central Bank of Sri Lanka. Mr. Jayasinghe
to 31/01/2022). He was conferred the Members Relations Committee and currently serves as a Trustee of the Lionel
Professional Excellence Award at the Executive member of CA SME Task Force. Wendt Memorial Fund and a member
CMA National Management Accounting He also a member of SAFA Small and of the board of governors of South Asia
Conference by The Institute of Certified Medium Practices (SMP Committee). Partnership - Sri Lanka.
Management Accountants in 2014.
Mr. Ashane Jayasekara Prof. Athula Manawaduge
Ms. Anoji De Silva FCA, FCMA (UK), B.Sc. (Hons), MBA FCA, PhD, (Australia); MA (Acc. &
FCA (USQ), LLM, CIA (USA), CFE (USA), CISA Fin) UK; B. Sc. (Mgt.) University of Sri
(USA) Jayewardenepura
Partner Ernst & Young Sri Lanka and
Maldives. Deputy Managing Partner of BDO in Sri Professor in Accounting, Department
Lanka and the Managing Partner of BDO of Accounting, University of Sri
Ms. Anoji De Silva is a practicing in the Maldives. Jayewardenepura Sri Lanka. Prof.
accountant with over 30 years of Manawaduge has over 35 years of
experience. She is the Chairperson of Mr. Jayasekara serves as the Chairman experience in tertiary education in Sri
the National Conference Committee, of the Integrated Reporting Council of Lanka and overseas at undergraduate and
Chairperson Examinations Committee and Sri Lanka and the SAB Campus of CA postgraduate level teaching and research.
Alternate Chairperson of SME Task Force. Sri Lanka. He serves as the Alternate He served as the Head of the Department
She is also a member of the Finance and Chairman of the Forensic Accounting of Accounting and as a member of the
Administration Committee. Ms. De Silva is Faculty of CA Sri Lanka and is a member Senate and the Council of University of
also the Chairperson of SAFA Committee of the SAFA Anti Money Laundering Sri Jayewardenepura. His experience
for Improvement in Transparency, Committee. includes the roles of visiting lecturer and
Accountability & Governance (ITAG). Ms. Research fellow at Griffith University
De Silva is the current Chairperson of Mr. Jayasekara serves as a Board Director/ and Wollongong University in Australia
the Women’s Chamber of Industry and Treasurer of ISACA Sri Lanka, and a Board and visiting professor at the Kotelawala
Commerce and a member of the CA Member of the Digital Forensics Advisory Defense University. In addition to his
Sri Lanka Women Empowerment and Board of the EC Council USA. numerous academic contributions at the
Leadership Development Committee. university level, he provided services to
He sits on the Board of Directors of many the national level by leading the curriculum
private & listed companies and is on the designing and assessment team of GCE
Governing Council of a State University. advanced level accounting subject at the
National Institute of Education and the
Department of Examinations of Sri Lanka.
CA SRI LANKA | Integrated Annual Report 2022 21