Page 92 - CA Sri Lanka Integrated Annual Report 2023
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               Significant items of property, plant   payments) less any lease incentives   carrying amount and included in
               and equipment with different useful   receivable, variable lease payments   the statement of comprehensive
               lives are separately identified and   that depend on an index or a rate,   income in the year, the asset is
               depreciated.                       and amounts expected to be paid    derecognised.
                                                  under residual value guarantees.
               Depreciation on property, plant    The lease payments also include the   2.1.2  Library Books
               and equipment purchased through    exercise price of a purchase option   Cost of library books are written off on the
               restricted funds is charged to     reasonably certain to be exercised   straight-line basis over a period of three
               the statement of comprehensive     by the Institute and payments of   years.
               income. The correspondent grant    penalties for terminating the lease, if
               amount is amortised over the useful   the lease term reflects the Institute   2.1.3  Capital Work-In-Progress
               life of the related asset.         exercising the option to terminate.
                                                  Variable lease payments that do not   Capital work-in-progress is stated at cost,
          (c)   Right of Use Assets and Lease     depend on an index or a rate are   less any impairment losses. These are
               Liabilities                        recognised as expenses (unless they   expenses of a capital nature, directly incurred
               The Institute recognises a right-  are incurred to produce inventories)   in the construction of property, plant and
               of-use asset and a lease liability at   in the period in which the event or   equipment awaiting capitalisation. Capital
               the lease commencement date.       condition that triggers the payment   work-in-progress would be transferred to
               Right-of-use assets are measured   occurs.                      the relevant asset category in property, plant
               at cost, less any accumulated                                   and equipment, when it is available for use
               depreciation and impairment losses,      In calculating the present value of   i.e. when it is in the location and conditions
               and adjusted for any remeasurement   lease payments, the Institute uses   necessary for it to be capable of operating in
               of lease liabilities. The cost of right-  its incremental borrowing rate at   the manner intended by the Institute.
               of-use assets includes the amount   the lease commencement date   2.1.4  Intangible Assets
               of lease liabilities recognised, initial   as the discount rate, because the
               direct costs incurred, and lease   interest rate implicit in the lease   a.   Computer Software
               payments made at or before the     is not readily determinable. The      Acquired computer software licenses
               commencement date less any lease   Institute determines its incremental   are capitalised on the basis of the
               incentives received. Right-of-use   borrowing rate by obtaining interest   costs incurred to acquire and bring to
               assets are depreciated on a straight-  rates from the Institute’s internal   use. These costs are amortised over
               line basis over the shorter of the   records. After the commencement   their estimated useful life of five to
               lease term and the estimated useful   date, the amount of lease liabilities   ten (5-10) years.
               lives of the assets.               is increased to reflect the accretion
                                                  of interest and reduced for the lease      Costs associated with maintaining
               The estimated useful lives of right of   payments made. In addition, the   computer software programmes
               use assets are as follows:         carrying amount of lease liabilities is   are recognised as an expense as
                                                  remeasured if there is a modification,   incurred. Costs that are directly
                Asset category  Useful life       a change in the lease term, a change   associated with the production of
                               (years)            in the lease payments (e.g., changes   identifiable and unique software
                                                  to future payments resulting from a
                Right of use   10                                                    products controlled by the Institute
                asset                             change in an index or rate used to   are recognised as intangible assets
                Improvements   10                 determine such lease payments) or   when the following criteria are met:
                to Right of use                   a change in the assessment of an
                asset                             option to purchase the underlying   1.   it is technically feasible to complete
                                                  asset.                             the software product so that it will
               Depreciation of improvement to right                                  be available for use,
               of use asset is calculated based on   (d)   Derecognition
               the remaining lease period.        An item of property, plant and   2.   management intends to complete
                                                  equipment is derecognised upon     the software product and use it,
               At the commencement date of the    disposal or when no future economic   3.   there is an ability to use the software
               lease the Institute recognises lease   benefits are expected from its use   product,
               liability measured at the present   or disposal. Any gain or loss arising
               value of the lease payments to be   on derecognition of the asset is   4.   how the software product will
               made over the lease term, the lease   calculated as the difference between   generate probable future economic
               payments include fixed payments    the net disposal proceeds and the   benefits can be demonstrated,
               (including in-substance fixed

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