Page 88 - CA Sri Lanka Integrated Annual Report 2023
P. 88


                                                   Accumulated   Government   OCI reserve   Designated     Total
                                                        Fund        Grant                  Reserves
                                                       Rs.’000     Rs.’000      Rs.’000     Rs.’000      Rs.’000

          Balance as at 1 January 2022                1,801,906    699,000        6,490           -      2,507,396

          Income over expenditure for the year after tax  217,880        -           -            -      217,880

          Actuarial gain on defined benefit obligation      -            -        6,117           -        6,117

          Designated funds reclassified as reserves         -            -           -       36,343       36,343

          Balance as at 31 December 2022              2,019,786     699,000      12,607       36,343    2,767,736

          Balance as at 1 January 2023                2,019,786    699,000       12,607      36,343     2,767,736

          Income over expenditure for the year after tax   279,866       -           -            -      279,866

          Actuarial loss on defined benefit obligation      -            -       (8,580)          -       (8,580)

          Designated funds reclassified as reserves                                          21,424       21,424

          Balance as at 31 December 2023              2,299,652     699,000       4,027       57,767   3,060,446

         Government grant received from the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka further explained in note 3.1.

         The accounting policies and notes on pages 88 to 112 form an integral part of these financial statements.

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