Page 87 - CA Sri Lanka Integrated Annual Report 2023
P. 87
For the Year Ended 31 December 2023 2022
Note Page No Rs.'000 Rs.'000
Income 18 108 1,018,009 912,642
Student Learning and Initial professional development (318,061) (247,737)
Member/Profession development (144,118) (114,809)
Technical Support Services (43,139) (31,566)
Employee costs 19 108 (322,005) (296,354)
Maintenance of premises 20 108 (83,749) (39,388)
Depreciation and amortisation 21 108 (70,431) (86,294)
Other expenses 22 109 (71,450) (58,142)
Operating (loss) / income (34,943) 38,352
Other operating income 23 109 5,369 2,036
Net operating (loss) / income (29,574) 40,388
Income from grants and other restricted funds 12.1 104 4,784 4,376
Contribution to designated funds 11.1 103 (17,294) (25,551)
Transfers to restricted funds and grants 12.1 104 (4,199) (2,593)
Contribution to endowment funds 13 106 (511) (313)
(17,220) (24,081)
Finance income 24.1 109 387,032 243,586
Finance cost 24.2 109 (5,410) (8,528)
Income over expenditure for the year before tax 334,827 251,365
Income tax expense 25 109 (54,961) (33,485)
Income over expenditure for the year after tax 279,866 217,880
Other comprehensive income
Items that will not be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss
Actuarial (loss)/gain on defined benefit obligation 14.1 106 (8,580) 6,117
Total comprehensive income for the year after tax 271,286 223,997
The accounting policies and notes on pages 88 to 112 form an integral part of these financial statements.
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