Page 97 - CA Sri Lanka Integrated Annual Report 2023
P. 97

The Institute’s policies regarding the
          Name of the Restricted Fund        Purpose
                                                                               endowment funds are:
          Other Restricted Funds
          Best Annual Report Competition Fund                                  i.   Investment Policy:
          h    Deshabandu Albert Page        To encourage excellence in the    Funds are invested only in Government
                                             presentation of information in annual   Securities and fixed deposits in state
          h    Late Mr. Cyril Gardiner
                                             reports. Awards are presented to the   owned banks. Investments are made
          h    Hayleys PLC                   winners annually.                 after considering the higher yield on
                                                                               investment, liquidity, and interest rate risk
                                             Categories under which the awards are   for reinvestment. All new investment and
                                             presented are as follows;         reinvestment decisions require the approval
                                                                               of the investment committee.
                                             h    Overall and Sector Awards (Gold,
                                                 Silver, Bronze)
                                                                               ii.   Withdrawal Policy:
                                             h    Corporate Governance Disclosure   Withdrawals are not made other than at
                                                 Award (Gold, Silver, Bronze)  maturity. Any early withdrawal requires the
                                             h    Corporate Social             approval of the investment committee.
                                                 Responsibility Reporting Award (Gold,
                                                 Silver, Bronze)               iii.   Fund Usage Policy:
                                             h    Management Commentary Award  Usage is restricted for the specific purpose
                                                                               for which the fund was established.
                                             h    Integrated Reporting Award (Gold,
                                                 Silver, Bronze)
                                                                               2.3.4  Grants
                                             h    Integrated Reporting - Special Award:
                                                 Best disclosure on business model Land Received as a
                                                                                     Government Grant:
                                                 and capital management
                                                                               Government grants for non-monetary assets
          2.3.3  Endowment Funds                                               are recognised when there is reasonable
                                                                               assurance that the grant will be received,
          Where assets are received as an endowment, which are not exhausted, only the income
                                                                               and all attached conditions have been
          earned from such assets may be recognized and used as income.
                                                                               complied with.
          Investment income and other gains realized from funds available under each of the above   The method adopted for accounting for
          categories are allocated to the appropriate funds, unless the relevant agreement or minute   Government grants is the income approach,
          provides otherwise.                                                  where the grants relating to non-depreciable
                                                                               assets is recognised in the statement of
          Name of the Endowment Fund           Purpose
                                                                               comprehensive income.
          Prize Funds
          h    CA Sri Lanka President’s Fund   Awarding subject prizes and merit   Fair value is treated as deemed cost of
          h    B R De Silva Memorial Fund      prizes for the best performance of each   the land at the date of the recognition of
          h    A D B Talwatte Fund             examination.                    Government grant given in the financial
          h    Satchithananda Memorial Fund                                    statements.
          h    Kreston MNS Fund
          h    Nivard Cabraal Fund                                             Grants and subsidies related to assets
          h    Reyaz Mihular Fund
          h    D R Settinayake Memorial Fund                                   are generally deferred in the statement
          h    A D E De S Wijeyeratne Memorial Fund                            of financial position and credited to the
          h    Mohan Abeynaike Fund                                            statement of comprehensive income over
          h    KPMG Fund                                                       the useful life of the asset.
          h    Ernst & Young Fund
          h    SJMS Associates Fund                                   Revenue Grants
          h    Sunil Piyawardena & Co. Fund
          h    Lal Nanayakkara & Co. Fund                                      Other grants are recognised in the financial
          h    G C B Wijeyesinghe Memorial Fund                                statements at their fair value. When the
          h    Nihal Hettiarachchi Fund                                        grant or subsidy relates to an expense it is
          h    Jayaweera & Co. Fund                                            recognised as an income over the period
          h    Brito Mutunayagam Memorial Fund                                 necessary to match it with the costs,
          h    PricewaterhouseCoopers Fund
          h    K G H De Silva Prize Fund                                       which is intended to compensate for on a
          h    BDO Partners Prize Fund                                         systematic basis.

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