Page 95 - CA Sri Lanka Integrated Annual Report 2023
P. 95

2.2.1   Deferred Income           (b)   Defined Contribution Plans-   2.3   Accounting for the Receipt and
                                                  Employees’ Provident Fund and      Utilization of Funds, Grants
          Deferred income results when invoices   Employees’ Trust Fund              and Reserves
          relating to courses and study programmes are
          raised at the commencement of the courses   Employees are eligible for Employees’   The Institute received various grants for
          where the course delivery takes place   Provident Fund Contributions and   specific development activities. Funds,
          over a period of several months. Deferred   Employees’ Trust Fund Contributions in line   grants and reserves have been classified
          income is recognized in the statement of   with respective statutes and regulations.   as unrestricted funds, restricted funds and
          comprehensive income to the extent of   These are recognized as an expense in the   endowment funds.
          course delivery taken place and the balance   statement of comprehensive income as   2.3.1  Unrestricted Funds
          attributable to the remaining course period is   incurred. The Institute contributes 15% and
          recognized as a liability on the statement of   3% of gross emoluments of the employees   Unrestricted funds are those that are
          financial position until income is recognized.  to Employees’ Provident Fund and   available for use by the Institute at the
                                            Employees’ Trust Fund respectively.
                                                                               discretion of the Council and funds that
          2.2.2  Provisions                                                    are designated for a specific purpose by
                                            2.2.4  Taxation
          A provision is recognized in the statement of                        the Council in furtherance of the general
          financial position, when Institute has a legal   a)   Income Tax     objectives of the Institute. Allocations
          or constructive obligation as a result of a past   The provision for current taxation has   made by the Council for the credit of
          event, it is probable that an outflow of assets   been computed in accordance with the   the designated funds are charged to the
          will be required to settle the obligation and   Inland Revenue Act No 24 of 2017 and as   statement of comprehensive income.
          the obligation can be measured reliably.  amended subsequently by Inland Revenue   Surplus funds are transferred from restricted
                                            (Amendment) Act, No. 45 of 2022.   funds to unrestricted funds in terms of
          2.2.3  Employee Benefits                                             the relevant donor agreements or with the
                                            b)    Deferred Taxation            subsequent approval of the donor.
          (a)   Employee Defined Benefit Plan -
               Gratuity                     Since the Institute is not carrying on a trade   Contributions and donations received from
                                            or business capital allowances have not been
          Defined benefit plan is a post-employment   claimed against the liable income and there   the general public are recognised in the
          benefit plan, other than a defined contribution   are no tax losses to be set off against any   statement of comprehensive income at the
          plan. The defined benefit is calculated by an   future taxable income. Deferred tax has not   time of receipt, where there are no terms of
          independent actuary using Projected Unit   been provided in the financial statements.  references.
          Credit (PUC) method. The present value of
          the defined benefit obligation is determined   2.2.5  Translation of Foreign   Designated Funds
          by discounting the estimated future cash   Currency Transactions     Unrestricted funds designated by the
          outflows, using interest rates that are                              Council to a specific purpose are identified
          denominated in the currency in which the   Transactions in currencies other than Sri   as  designated funds. The Institute has
          benefits will be paid and that have terms   Lankan Rupees are converted into Sri Lankan   accounted the following funds as designated
          to maturity approximating to the terms of   Rupees at rates which approximate the   funds and the purpose of such funds are
          the related liability. The present value of the   actual rates at the transaction date. At the   elaborated as follows,
          defined benefit obligations depends on a   reporting date, monetary assets (including
          number of factors that are determined on an   securities) and liabilities denominated in
          actuarial basis using a number of assumptions   foreign currency are converted into Sri
          about discount rate, future salary increments   Lankan Rupees at the rate of exchange
          and mortality rates. Due to the long-term   at that date. Non - monetary assets and
          nature of these plans, such estimates   liabilities in foreign currencies that are stated
          are subject to significant uncertainty. All   at historical cost are translated at the foreign
          assumptions are reviewed at each reporting   exchange rate at the date of the transaction.
          date. Accordingly, the employee benefit   Realized and unrealized exchange
          liability is based on the actuarial valuation   differences are reported in the statement of
          as of 31 December 2023. The Institute’s   comprehensive income.
          accounting policy for gratuity is to recognise
          actuarial gains and losses in the period in
          which they occur in full in the statement of
          other comprehensive income.

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