Page 93 - CA Sri Lanka Integrated Annual Report 2023
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5.   adequate technical, financial and   in acquiring the inventories and bringing   2.1.7  Financial Assets - Initial
               other resources to complete   them to their existing location and condition.  Recognition and Measurement
               the development and to use the
               software product are available, and  The inventories of the Institute include   (a)   SLFRS 9 Financial Instruments
                                            study packs, study material, publications,      SLFRS 9 Financial Instruments
          6.   the expenditure attributable to   stationery and consumables.         replaces LKAS 39 on “Financial
               the software product during its                                       Instruments: Recognition and
               development can be reliably   2.1.6  Impairment of Non-Financial      Measurement” for annual periods
               measured.                          Assets                             beginning on or after 1st January

               Directly attributable costs that are   The Institute assesses at each reporting   2018, bringing together all three
                                                                                     aspects of the accounting for
               capitalised as part of the software   date whether there is an indication that an   financial instruments: classification
               product include the software   asset may be impaired. If such an indication   and measurement; impairment; and
               development employee costs and   exists or when annual impairment testing   hedge accounting.
               an appropriate portion of relevant   for an asset is required, the Institute makes
               overheads.                   an estimate of the asset’s recoverable
                                            amount. An asset’s recoverable amount is   (b)   Financial Assets
               Costs recognized as intangible   the higher of an asset’s fair value less costs      The classification of financial assets
               assets are amortised over their   to sell and its value in use and determined   at initial recognition depends on
               estimated useful lives, which do not   for an individual asset, unless the asset does   the financial asset’s contractual
               exceed ten (10) years. Costs relating   not generate cash inflows that are largely   cash flow characteristics and
               to development of software are   independent of those from other assets or   the Institute’s business model
               carried in capital work in progress   group of assets. Where the carrying amount   for managing them. With the
               until the software is ready for use.  of an asset exceeds its recoverable amount,   exception of trade receivables that
                                            the asset is considered impaired and is   do not contain significant financing
          b.   Study Material               written down to its recoverable amount. In   components for which the Institute
               Costs that are directly attributable   assessing value in use, the estimated future   has applied the practical expedient,
               to the development of curriculum   cash flows are discounted to their present   the Institute initially measures
               and study materials of the CA   value, using a discount rate that reflects   financial assets at their fair value plus
               qualifications are recognised   current market assessment of the time value   transaction costs. Trade receivables
               as intangible assets when it is   of money and the risk specific to the asset.  that do not contain a significant
               technically feasible to implement                                     financing component for which the
               the new curriculum, the investment   Impairment losses of continuing operations   Institute has applied the practical
               attributable to the project during   are recognised in the statement of   expedient are measured at the
               its development period can be   comprehensive income in those expense   transaction price determined under
               reliably measured and it can be   categories consistent with the function of   SLFRS 15.
               demonstrated that it will generate   the impaired asset.
               probable future economic benefits.                                    In order for a financial asset to be
                                            A previously recognised impairment loss   classified and measured at amortised
               These costs are amortised over the   is reversed only if there has been a change   cost or fair value through OCI, it
               effective period of the curriculum and   in the estimates used to determine the   needs to give rise to cash flows that
               the remaining useful life is reviewed   assets recoverable amount, since the   are ‘solely payments of principal and
               at least at each financial reporting   last impairment loss was recognised. If   interest’ on the principal amount
               year end.                    that is the case, the carrying amount of   outstanding. The Institute’s business
                                            the asset is increased to its recoverable   model for managing financial
          2.1.5  Inventories                amount. The increased amount cannot      assets refers to how it manages
                                            “exceed” the carrying amount that would   financial assets in order to generate
          Inventories are stated at the lower of cost   have been determined, net of depreciation,   cash flows. The business model
          and net realisable value after making due   had no impairment loss been recognised   determines whether cash flows will
          allowances for obsolete and slow-moving   for the asset in prior years. Such reversal   result from collecting contractual
          items. Net realisable value is the estimated   is recognised in the statement of   cash flows or selling financial assets
          selling price in the ordinary course of   comprehensive income.            or both.
          business less the estimated cost of
          completion and selling expenses. The cost                                  Financial assets and financial
          of inventories is based on weighted average                                liabilities are offset, and the net
          cost. The cost includes expenditure incurred                               amount is reported in the Statement
                                                                                     of Financial Position, if there is a

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