Page 89 - CA Sri Lanka Integrated Annual Report 2023
P. 89


          For the Year Ended 31 December                                                      2023         2022
                                                                    Note      Page No       Rs.'000      Rs.'000
          Cash flows from operating activities
          Income over expenditure for the year before tax                                   334,827      251,365
          Adjustments for;
          Depreciation and amortisation                              5,21    101,108         71,203        87,199
          Reimbursements and amortisation of restricted funds and grants   12.1   104         (4,784)      (4,376)
          Contribution to designated funds                           11.1    103             17,294       25,551
          Transfers to restricted funds and grants                   12.1    104              4,199        2,593
          Contribution to endowment funds                            13      106               511          313
          Provision for defined benefit plan                         14.1    106              6,954        6,895
          Loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment          23      109                  -          10
          Amortisation of prepaid staff cost                        19       108               (173)       6,590
          Finance income                                             24.1    109            (387,032)    (243,586)
          Finance cost                                               24.2    109              5,410        6,851
          Operating income over expenditure before working capital changes                   48,410      139,405

          (Increase) / decrease in inventory                         8       102             13,634       (15,968)
          (Increase) / decrease in receivables                       9       102             (36,358)     (18,281)
          (Increase) / decrease in loans and advances to staff       6       101              2,448        (3,414)
          Increase / (decrease) in payables and advances received    16      107              7,349         760
          Increase / (decrease) in deferred income                                           26,984        5,975
          Cash generated from operations                                                     62,466      108,477

          Tax paid                                                   17      107             (47,753)     (21,703)
          Gratuity paid                                              14      106             (11,452)      (1,678)
          Rent paid                                                                          (29,442)     (25,615)
          Net cash (used in) / inflow from operating activities                              (26,181)      59,481

          Cash flows from/ (used in) investing activities
          Acquisition of property, plant and equipment and library books   3,5   99,101      (84,415)     (73,182)
          Acquisition of intangible assets                           4       100              (7,808)      (7,245)
          Investments in financial assets at amortised cost                                 (349,644)   (2,525,193)
          Maturity proceeds received from financial assets at amortised cost                124,644     2,376,159
          Finance income received                                                            327,971     231,903
          Net cash flow from investing activities                                            10,748         2,442

          Cash flows from / (used in) financing activities
          Donations received to designated funds                     11.1    103                  -          18
          Receipts to restricted funds and grants                    12.1    104             36,053       31,457
          Payments made from designated funds                        11.1    103             (13,420)     (12,203)
          Payments made from restricted funds                        12.1    104             (26,237)     (24,982)
          Payments made from endowment funds                         13      106                  -         (520)
          Net cash flow used in financing activities                                          (3,604)      (6,230)

          Net (decrease) / increase in cash and cash equivalents                             (19,037)     55,693

          Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year                            126,081       70,387
          Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year           10      102             107,044     126,081

          The accounting policies and notes on pages 88 to 112 form an integral part of these financial statements.

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