Page 55 - CA Sri Lanka Integrated Annual Report 2023
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IT Training Division
          The IT Training Division is dedicated to providing essential IT Training courses across all
          academic levels, fostering a tech-savvy student community. Our flagship programmes,
          IT01, IT02, and IT03, are designed to empower students with the knowledge and skills
          to seamlessly integrate technology into their daily lives. With an industry-relevant
          curriculum constantly updated to reflect technological advancements, practical training
          has been prioritized alongside theoretical understanding, ensuring students develop real-
          world skills.

          Course Name      Scope/Purpose                  Duration
          Advanced Certificate  Equips learners for data-driven   6 months
          in Data Analytics  decision-making, with interim and final
          Certificate Course in  Provides training in QuickBooks   Approximately 1 month
          QuickBooks       accounting software, completed online
                           in 8 days

           Future Outlook
           In the future, both MELC and the IT Training Division plan to expand offerings and
           initiatives. MELC aims to adapt to evolving communication needs and strengthen
           partnerships, while the IT Training Division plans to introduce specialized courses in
           emerging technologies and broaden outreach efforts to meet growing demand for IT

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