Page 58 - CA Sri Lanka Integrated Annual Report 2023
P. 58


           CBA & CCA FACULTY

          The CBA & CCA Faculty of CA Sri Lanka plays a key role in the accounting profession,   Additionally, in 2023, the faculty organized
          offering mid-level qualifications aligned with global standards. These credentials provide   the Annual Convocation Ceremony,
          a comprehensive pathway for aspiring finance professionals, equipping them with the   a flagship event that celebrated the
          necessary skills for career advancement. By emphasizing robust accounting knowledge   achievements of CBA and CCA members.
          and diverse skill sets, the Faculty ensures the members are well-prepared for roles   This ceremony served as a platform to
          in different industries. As a result, the Certified Business Accountants (CBA) and the   recognize the dedication and professional
          Certified Corporate Accountants (CCA) are well-positioned for success in both local and   accomplishments of individuals who
          international employment opportunities, fostering prosperous careers in finance.  had successfully completed their
                                                                               qualifications. Through such events, the
                                                                               faculty not only honoured the hard work
                                                                               of its members but also reinforced the
          Certified Business Accountant (CBA)  Strategic Initiatives           prestige and recognition associated with
          The CBA qualification is extended to   In 2023, the CBA & CCA Faculty of CA   the CBA and CCA credentials.
          CA Sri Lanka active students who have   Sri Lanka embarked on several strategic
          fulfilled the requirements of professional   initiatives aimed at further enhancing the   Furthermore, the faculty actively engaged
          knowledge, experience and skills at the   professional development and recognition   in membership support and development
          Business Level.                   of its members. These actions were   initiatives. With a membership base
                                            designed to strengthen the already   exceeding 6,270 CBAs and CCAs, the
          The National Recognition Information   esteemed reputation of the CBA and   faculty focused on providing ongoing
          Centre for the United Kingdom (ENIC)   CCA qualifications, both locally and   support and resources to its members.
          report confirms that the CBA qualification   internationally.        This included facilitating networking
          is comparable to RQF Level 4, equivalent                             opportunities, offering career guidance
          to a Certificate of Higher Education   One significant initiative undertaken   and providing access to continuous
          Standard.                         by the Faculty was the hosting of   professional development opportunities.
                                            monthly workshops led by esteemed   By nurturing a vibrant and supportive
          Certified Corporate Accountant (CCA)  professionals. These workshops covered   community of finance professionals, the
          The CCA qualification is extended to   a diverse range of topics including   faculty aimed to foster long-term success
          CA Sri Lanka active students who have   financial reporting, business etiquette,   and growth for its members.
          fulfilled the requirements of professional   auditing and accounting standards. By
          knowledge, experience and skills up to the   providing members with access to expert-  A separate Code of Conduct was launched
          Corporate Level.                  led workshops, the faculty aimed to   for the CBA and CCA members to ensure
                                            continuously refine and augment the skill   professional behavior according to the set
          The ENIC report confirms that the CCA   sets of stakeholders, ensuring they remain   guidelines.
          qualification is comparable to RQF level 6,   abreast of the latest industry trends and
          which is equivalent to a Bachelor’s degree   best practices.

          Performance Highlights
          CBA Certificate                     Future Outlook
          Holders                             In the future, the CBA & CCA Faculty of CA Sri Lanka plans to expand competency
                                              Development Activities, introducing more specialized workshops. They aim to
          CCA Certificate                     strengthen industry engagement through collaborations, providing networking
          Holders                             opportunities. Continuous improvement of the curriculum remains a priority to ensure
                                              alignment with global standards and market demands.
          No. of Certificate issued in 2023

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