Page 59 - CA Sri Lanka Integrated Annual Report 2023
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          Performance Highlights            enrollment experience, career guidance   foster social and economic impact
          h   Revamped reception and student   spaces, online service kiosks, and   regionally. Technical sessions delved
             enrollment areas, integrating modern   informative LCD screens. These upgrades   into topics such as understanding the
             technology for enhanced service   aim to foster a conducive environment for   business climate, leveraging IT and AI, and
             delivery                       student success and development.   empowering startups and entrepreneurs,
                                                                               marking the conference as a resounding
          h   Conducted the first regional   h   Jaffna Regional Conference 2023   success.
             conference in Jaffna under the theme
             “Connect to Win“               The Regional Conference by CA Sri Lanka
                                            in Jaffna was held under the theme
          h   Second regional conference in Galle  “Connect to Win” at the Green Grass
                                            Hotel and Restaurant, where it drew
          Strategic Initiatives             over 150 delegates”. Guest of Honour
          h   Newly revamped Reception,     was Professor S. Srisatkunarajah, Vice
             Student Enrollment and Service   Chancellor, University of Jaffna, Notable
             Lounge                         figures Honourable Jeevan Thiagarajah,
                                            Governor of the Northern Province, and
          CA Sri Lanka revamped its reception and   Mr. Rajendra Theagarajah, an Independent
          student enrollment areas, integrating   Non-Executive Director in a diverse
          modern technology for enhanced service   portfolio of Listed and Unlisted companies   Regional Conference 2023 Galle
          delivery. Renovations include a refurbished   including MNCs, graced the occasion.   CA Sri Lanka Library
          lobby, upgraded reception, improved
                                            With a focus on fostering social and   The CA Sri Lanka Library has always
                                            economic impact regionally, the event   been a foundational pillar of the Institute’s
                                            explored avenues to unravel opportunities,   learning infrastructure.
                                            foster collaboration, and garner support
                                            networks. Its success underscored the   During the pandemic, library resources
                                            significance of connectivity in driving   were digitised and converted into an
                                            progress and prosperity in the region.  e-library with CA students and the
                                                                               member fraternity and registered
                                                                               corporate users were granted remote
                                                                               access via the e-library mobile application
                                                                               through their authorised login credentials.
                                                                               The e-Library contains thousands of
                                                                               e-Books on a wide range of subjects
                                                                               from Accounting, Forensic Accounting,
                                                                               Supply Chain Management and
                                                                               Modern Management to Economics,
                                                                               Macroeconomics, Microeconomics,
                                                                               Management Information Systems,
                                            Regional Conference 2023 Jaffna
                                                                               Finance, Business Statistics, International
                                                                               Business, Strategic Management, Human
                                            h   Galle Regional Conference 2023   Resources Management, Marketing,
                                                                               International Management, Business
          Opening of Newly revamped Reception  The Galle Regional Conference of 2023,   Communication and countless others.
                                            themed “Exploring Beyond Boundaries”,   The e-library facility also offers the
                                            saw the convergence of over 200    latest updated version of the ACCA/
                                            delegates at the Jetwing Lighthouse   CIMA/ICAEW Workbooks and Practice
                                            Hotel. Spearheaded by Mr. Chevaan   & Revision Kit. In 2023, nearly 6,000 CA
                                            Daniel, Group Director of Capital Maharaja   members and more than 30,000 students
                                            Group, and featuring Ms. Bernadine   accessed the e-library facility.
                                            Jayasinghe, Managing Director of the
                                            Institute of Essential Studies, as the
                                            keynote speaker, the event aimed to

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