Page 51 - CA Sri Lanka Integrated Annual Report 2023
P. 51


          The Student Training Division of CA Sri Lanka is entrusted with professional placements   •   Upskilling Initiatives: two
          for students follow the Chartered Accountants programmes. As the leading industry   specialized Upskilling
          body offering the CA qualification, the Student Training Division plays a significant role in   Programmes were conducted
          ensuring that students obtain sufficient industry exposure in a professional environment   targeted trainees in Small &
          before embarking on their careers as Chartered Accountants. As a key initiative during   Medium Practitioners and the
          2023, the Division enhanced the professional experience of trainees through a series of   NPP/BPO sector, to addressing
          strategic initiatives and projects aligned with Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). These   training exposure gaps.
          efforts were aimed at ensuring the achievement of Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs),
          increasing Institute Associate Memberships, enhancing service quality and fostering
          Training Partners Netwok  growth and recognition.

          Performance Highlights

          Skill Development Programmes                                     4
          Regional Upskilling Programmes                                   2
          Upskilling Programmes for Trainees in SMPs and NPP sector        2   Upskilling Programmes for trainees in NPP/BPO
          Viva Voce Interviews
                                                                                   •   Regional Upskilling Programmes:
           ACAs                                                          239
                                                                                      Regional sessions held in Jaffna
           CBAs                                                           82          and Galle focused on crucial
           CCAs                                                           15          topics like Taxation, Soft Skills
          Supporting Sessions-UP CLOSE with CA                            07          and Auditing Fundamentals,
          Online Training Agreements issuance                                         fostering learning across different
           New Agreements Issued                                        4,086
           Highest Active Agreements                                    5,046
          New Training Partners                                           40
          Upgraded Training Organizations                                 24
          Total Training Partners                                        962

         h   Enhancing Professional Experience  •   Revised Professional Experience
                                                   Guide: A comprehensive guide
             •   The Division introduced new       was launched, incorporating
                learning outcomes tailored         updated policies and initiatives   Regional Upskilling Programmes - Jaffna
                to the burgeoning BPO/BPM          to benefit trainees, supervising   •   Training Assessments:
                industry, expanding professional   members and training               Assessments were conducted
                experience opportunities for       organizations.                     for Corporate and Strategic Level
                trainees.                                                             students, ensuring the alignment
                                                •   Skill Development Programmes:     of training with curriculum
                                                   Four hybrid Skill Development      objectives.
                                                   Programmes were conducted
                                                   for final-level students of CA   •   Supervising Members Forum:
                                                   Sri Lanka, enhancing their         Forums held in March and
                                                   competencies before entering       December 2023 aimed at
                                                   the professional arena.            creating awareness and
                                                                                      foster dialogue on training

         Official announcement of DPO/BPM sector
         recognition for CA professional experience

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