Page 53 - CA Sri Lanka Integrated Annual Report 2023
P. 53

•   Training Assessments for       •   Viva Voce Interview for Local   •   Viva Voce Interview for Award
                Students of Corporate and          and Overseas Students              of CBA/ CCA Qualifications
                Strategic Levels                   Objective: The Pathway             Objective: Evaluation of the
                Objective: Accelerating the        towards Attainment of the ACA      Level of Proficiency required
                Competencies required in the       Membership                         for the Accountant Profession
                Corporate Environment              For students who aspire to         To embark on the journey to
                In today’s corporate world, the    pursue a career in the Finance     become a Certified Corporate
                complex landscape has created      and Accounting obtaining, the      Accountant (CCA) or Certified
                a necessity of recruitment         prestigious Associate Chartered    Business Accountant (CBA), a
                of individuals with a vast         Accountants (ACA) is a significant   pivotal assessment is the Viva
                knowledge and with a pragmatic     milestone. The ACA upgrades        Voce interview. This interview
                perspective. Therefore, annually   the professional credibility while   is conducted with the intention
                conducted mandatory training       exposing towards a profound of     of reviewing the critical analysis
                assessments become significant     opportunities.                     skills, strategic thinking,
                to develop the capabilities of                                        knowledge on accounting
                the students of corporate and      The Viva Voce interview is a       standards and potential risks.
                strategic levels.                  crucial and mandatory step in
                                                   attaining the ACA membership       Hence, this mandatory interview
                At the corporate level, managing   which is a precise evaluation      is an opportunity for students to
                the resources effectively,         of the knowledge, skills and       demonstrate their capability to
                critical decision- making and      suitability of the candidate for the   face the different scenarios in the
                risk management are essential.     profession.                        corporate world successfully.
                Training assessments are a
                holistic approach to improve the                               Opportunities and Challenges
                leadership potential, cognitive                                The Student Training Division identified
                abilities and the critical analysing                           various opportunities, including leveraging
                skills to navigate through the                                 online processes, virtual sessions, regional
                challenges of the corporate                                    programmes, and hybrid mode delivery
                environment successfully.                                      to enhance training experiences and
                                                                               reach. However, issues such as IT system
                                                                               limitations posed hurdles in implementing
                                                                               new process improvements effectively.

                                              Future Outlook
                                              In the future, Student Training Division has planned to establish policies and processes
                                              to ensure the achievement of cutting-edge professional experience completion by
                                              trainees, supervising members and training partners while incorporating a culture of
                                              life long learning and skill development among aspiring CAs.

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