Page 52 - CA Sri Lanka Integrated Annual Report 2023
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                                                                                   •   Upgraded Training Organizations:
                                                                                      24 training organizations
                                                                                      upgraded their status for all three
                                                                                      levels, enhancing the quality and
                                                                                      breadth of training offerings.
                                                                                   •   Training Partner Network
                                                                                      Expansion: The total number of
                                                                                      training partners increased to 962.

                                            Precedent’s award for most outstanding new   •   Launch of the Training Partner
          Supervising Members Forum         member of the year 2023                   Emblem: CA Sri Lanka launched
             •   "UP CLOSE with CA" Sessions:                                         an official Training Partner
                Student support sessions were                                         Emblem for the use of Approved
                conducted in collaboration with                                       Training Partners to elevate
                prominent audit firms, both                                           visibility and recognition.
                in-person and virtually, offering
                valuable insights into the

          h   Membership Growth and         The Youngest new member of the year 2023
             Qualification Eligibility      h   Process Improvement and Service
             •   Viva Voce Interviews: Interviews   Quality
                were conducted for local and    •   Online Agreement Issuing
                overseas students, resulting       Process: The agreement issuing   Launch of the Training Partner Emblem
                in 239 ACAs, 82 CBAs, and 15       process was re-engineered,
                CCAs, facilitating membership      transitioning to an online   h   Student Training and Skill
                and qualification eligibility.     platform, resulting in significant   Development Projects
                                                   cost savings and improved
             •   Quality Assurance Measures:                                       •   Skill Development Programme
                Actions were taken to introduce    efficiency.                        for Strategic Level Students
                a PPT review process for        •   Training Agreements Issuance:     Objective: Enhancing Strategic
                CBA and CCA qualifications,        A total of 4,086 new training      Skills with Industry Insights
                enhancing quality assurance.       agreements were issued, in         At the strategic level, decision-
                                                   November 2023 witnessing           making prowess is of paramount
             •   Supporting Sessions: Special                                         importance to the success of
                sessions were organized to         the highest active agreement       any organisation. Therefore the
                guide students through the Viva    count in history at 5,046.         integration of industrial expertise
                process, ensuring success in   h   Organizational Growth and          to classroom sessions is vital
                their first attempt.            Recognition                           to nurture strategic acumen
                                                                                      in students. These interactive
             •   Special Recognitions at the    •   New Training Partners: 40 new     sessions with the industrial
                Convocation: Two new awards        training partners were approved,   experts is a platform for students
                “President’s Award for Most        with a focus on both Public        to analyse and learn about real-
                Outstanding New Member of          Practice and Non-Public Practice/  world scenarios.
                the Year” & “The Youngest New      BPO sectors, expanding training
                Member of the Year” were           opportunities for CA students.     A significant component of the
                                                                                      programme is the evaluation
                awarded at the Convocation 2023                                       process. The students are tasked
                creating a new milestone in CA                                        to prepare visual presentations
                Sri Lanka Convocation history.                                        and are evaluated by a Council
                                                                                      member. This evaluation
                                                                                      method enables the students to
                                                                                      demonstrate their knowledge
                                                                                      on strategic concepts, analytical
                                                                                      skills and communication skills.
                                                                                      Moreover, by involving a Council
                                                                                      member with diverse expertise in
                                                                                      the evaluation process ensures a
                                            New training partners awards ceremony     comprehensive assessment.

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