Page 47 - CA Sri Lanka Integrated Annual Report 2023
P. 47

•   Joint Promotions of CA Sri
                                                                                      Lanka with AAT Sri Lanka
                                                                                   CA Sri Lanka collaborates with AAT Sri
                                                                                   Lanka to promote the CA qualification
                                                                                   among AAT passed finalists and
                                                                                   members. This involves participation
                                                                                   in events like the AAT Passed Finalists
                                                                                   Award Ceremony and the Annual
                                                                                   Convocation, aiming to highlight the
                                                                                   advantages and opportunities of the
                                                                                   CA qualification. The collaboration
                                                                                   emphasizes the pathway from AAT to
                                                                                   CA and underscores the value of the CA
          A/L Top Achievers Scholarship Awards Ceremony                            qualification in the professional sphere.

          h   Promotional activities                                               •   “Gurunena” Seminar Series
                                                                                   In 2023, CA Sri Lanka conducted 7
             •   “Sisunena” Seminar Series
                                                                                   "Gurunena" seminars in collaboration
             The "Sisunena" seminar series                                         with the Ministry of Education to
             supports A/L students in subjects like                                update Commerce stream teachers'
             Accounting, Economics, and Business                                   knowledge across various provinces.
             Studies. Renowned lecturers and                                       Distinguished university lecturers
             Chartered Accountants lead these                                      provided high-quality information on
             seminars, providing students with                                     the GCE A/L Accounting syllabus. This
             theoretical knowledge and real-world                                  collaboration highlights a commitment
             applications. By bridging academia                                    to enhancing teachers' education and
             and the professional field, students   Commerce Day of Mahinda Rajapaksa College  professional development, benefiting
             gain a deeper understanding of                                        students.
             subjects and prepare for future    •   Career Fairs
             challenges.                        CA Sri Lanka actively participates in
                                                career fairs organized by Divisional
                                                Secretariats, providing a platform to
                                                interact with potential candidates,
                                                raising awareness about CA study
                                                programmes, and introducing
                                                professional experience opportunities.
                                                Such events also help CA Sri Lanka
                                                to update audiences about the
                                                employment opportunities in the
                                                local and international markets that
                                                align with the global nature of the CA
                                                profession, expanding prospects for
                                                job seekers.
          Sisunena Seminar

             •   Sponsorship for school and
                university events
             In 2023, CA Sri Lanka sponsored
             numerous School and University
             Events, including Commerce
             Days, English Days, and Research
             Symposiums. A total of 47 events
             were supported, promoting
             professional education and offering   Gurunena Seminar
             exposure to various fields and   Future Outlook
             industries for both school children and
             university undergraduates.       Looking ahead, CA Sri Lanka aims to enhance student services by expanding existing
                                              programmes, fostering partnerships, and promoting student engagement, ensuring
                                              students are well-prepared for successful careers in Accounting.

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