Page 46 - CA Sri Lanka Integrated Annual Report 2023
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          CA Sri Lanka creates remarkable opportunities for students to learn and reach the   from Sri Lanka and SAFA countries. It is
          zenith in the profession as a well-equipped Chartered Accountant. The Student Services   considered one of the most significant
          Division acts as a strong pillar in strengthening the overall capacity development in   events in the CASS calendar and one of
          students along with academia, assisting them throughout their journey until they   the most attended student conferences in
          become qualified Accountants who stand out in the professional arena. Their services   Sri Lanka.
          include student promotions, recruitments, enrolments, student retention and scholarship
          programmes.                                                          Given below are the programmes that are
                                                                               organised by the CASS throughout the
          Performance Highlights                                               year;
          h   Successfully organized and conducted various student engagement initiatives
                                                                               •   The launch of the 19th edition of the
          h   Invitation received for participated in the International Conformances  “Fusion” Business Magazine
                                                                               •   Business Article Competition
          Strategic Initiatives             collaboration among students. Mr. Amith   •   Gear Up Sessions
          The Institute is well-aware of the   Sampath was elected as its inaugural   •   CASS Recruitment Programme
          requirements of the accounting and   secretary, signifying the role of student   •   CA Live Chat
          finance fraternity that it offers invaluable   associations in facilitating collaboration
          opportunities for students to reach   and knowledge exchange.        •   CA Sport Tournaments
          the highest levels in their careers. The                             •   Blood Donation Campaign
          students are given the opportunity to join                           Diverse events and initiatives were
          the Institute to obtain CA qualifications,                           introduced through the above-mentioned
          MOUs/ MRAs and training programmes                                   activities with the intention of improving
          to improve personal and professional                                 the educational and professional
          development which are delivered via                                  development of CA students.
          digital platforms.
                                                                               Value Added Solutions
          h   Student Gavel Club
                                                                               CA Sri Lanka collaborates with state
          The Student Gavel Club of CA Sri                                     universities to enhance education and
          Lanka fosters leadership and soft skills   Student exchange programme – ICAP  skill development for CA students.
          development for students, aiming to   h   CA Student Society (CASS)  Partnerships involve sharing resources
          enhance their professional careers.                                  like academic staff and IT infrastructure to
          Through programmes like ‘Orator Quest,’   The CA Student Society (CASS) maintains   enrich the learning experience. Through
          in collaboration with Toastmasters,   student engagement and organizes   MoUs, students and faculty engage in
          members refine public speaking and   the flagship event, the International   seminars, workshops, and research.
          communication abilities. Two students   CA Students’ Conference. The 37th   Currently, CA Sri Lanka has ongoing MoUs
          were honoured for completing      conference, held on February 28, 2023,   with 13 state universities, and signed 2
          speech projects, recognized by    at the Monarch Imperial Hotel in Sri   new agreements in 2023.
          Toastmasters International as competent   Jayawardhanapura with Mr. Ajith Nandalal,
          communicators, showcasing the club’s   Governor Central Bank of Sri Lanka as the   h   CA Foundation (Scholarships)
          dedication to cultivating successful   Chief Guest, drew over 800 CA students
          professionals in the CA community.                                   Since its establishment in 2010, the
                                                                               CA Foundation has granted numerous
          h   Student Exchange Programme                                       scholarships to outstanding students in Sri
                                                                               Lanka. Over the past thirteen years, more
          12 CA students participated in the                                   than 1,624 scholarships have been awarded.
          International Conference of CA Students,                             These scholarships provide practical
          hosted by Institute of Chartered                                     insights, industry knowledge, and career
          Accountants of Nepal ( ICAN), Institute of                           guidance, fostering the development of
          Chartered Accountants of Pakistan ( ICAP)                            future professionals in the country.
          and Institute of Chartered Accountants
          of India ( ICAI). South Asian Accounting
          Students Association (SAASA) was
          formed during the conference, fostering

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