Page 23 - CA Sri Lanka Integrated Annual Report 2023
P. 23

Mr. Jayantha Peiris               Ms. K.V.C. Dilrukshi
          FCA, MSc, B.Com (Special)         FCA, MBA, B.Sc. Accountancy & Financial
                                            Management (Special)
          Chief Information Officer (CIO), MAS
          Capital (Pvt) Ltd.                Director, Department of Public
                                            Enterprises, General Treasury.
          Mr. Peiris is a seasoned professional with
          over 35 years of experience in the fields of   Ms. Dilrukshi is a member of the Sri
          Finance, Operations, Marketing, Planning,   Lanka Accountants’ Service with over
          Manufacturing, IT Consulting, General   19 years of experience. She is also a
          Management, Information Technology   Non-Executive Director of the National
          Management etc., in the private sector   Development Bank PLC and serves in
          large conglomerate.               the Credit Committee, Audit Committee,
                                            Integrated Risk Management Committee,
          Mr. Peiris served as the Alternative Chair   Related Party Transaction Committee and
          of the Digitalization Committee for the   Discretionary and Capex Committee of
          last two terms & currently serves as the   the Bank.
          Chairman of the Digitalization Committee.
                                            She also serves as an observer to the
          He serves as a member of the Faculty   Board of Directors of the Sri Lanka
          Industry Consultative Board (FICB) of the   Accounting and Auditing Standards
          Faculty of Business Science at University   Monitoring Board.
          of Moratuwa.
                                            Mr. Chathura Ariyadasa
          Mr. Pushpika Janadheera           ACA, ACCA (UK), Master of Economics
          FCA, ACMA (UK), CGMA (UK), B.Sc.   (UWA - Australia), MAFE (Col.), B.Sc.
          (Accountancy) Special (USJ), MBA (USJ)  (Accountancy) Special Hons. (USJ).

          Managing Director of Dipped Products   Director of Regional Development, Central
          PLC and a member of the Hayleys Group   Bank of Sri Lanka.
          Management Committee.
                                            Mr. Ariyadasa serves as the Chairman
          Mr. Janadheera is the Chairman of the Sri   of the Financial, Tax and Sustainability
          Lanka Association of Manufacturers and   Literacy Committee. He is also a member
          Exporters of Rubber Products (SLAMERP).  of the Accounting Standards Committee
                                            (Central Bank Representative) and a
          He has served as a Council Member   member of Exemptions & Reciprocal
          of the Plastics and Rubber Institute of   Arrangements Taskforce.
          Sri Lanka. He is also a Member of the
          Institute of Directors. Member of the
          Advisory Committee of Rubber and
          Rubber Based Products & Plastics Sector
          of the Export Development Board and
          a member of the Polymer Advisory
          Committee of the Ministry of Industries.

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