Page 92 - 2596-CA SR Lanka- Annual Report 2022
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          •    The Institute has transferred its   expected cash flows will include cash   purpose of the statement of cash flows,
               rights to receive cash flows from   flows from the sale of collateral held   which has been prepared using the
               the asset or has assumed an   or other credit enhancements that are   'indirect method'.
               obligation to pay the received cash   integral to the contractual terms.
               flows in full without material delay                            2.2   Liabilities and Provisions
               to a third party under a ‘pass-  For trade receivables, the Institute applies   A liability is classified as current when it
               through’ arrangement; and either  a simplified approach in calculating ECLs.  is expected to be settled in the normal
                                                                               operating cycle; held primarily for the
          a)   the Institute has transferred   2.1.10  Reclassification        purpose of trading, it is due to be settled
               substantially all the risks and   Financial assets are measured at   within twelve months after the reporting
               rewards of the asset, or     amortised cost as the Management   period or there is no unconditional right
                                            intends to hold these instruments   to defer the settlement of the liability for
          b)   the Institute has neither    to collect the contractual cash flows   at least twelve months after the reporting
               transferred nor retained     upon completion of the SPPI test and   period. The Institute classifies all other
               substantially all the risks and   evaluating the historical data. As of 01st   liabilities as non-current.
               rewards of the asset, but has   January 2018, the Institute has elected
               transferred control of the asset.  the business model of hold to collect the   2.2.1   Deferred Income
                                            contractual cash flows and measured the   Deferred income results when invoices
          When the Institute has transferred   instruments at amortized cost.  relating to courses and study programmes
          its rights to receive cash flows from
          an asset or has entered into a pass-   Financial assets are not reclassified   are raised at the commencement of the
                                                                               courses where the course delivery take
          through arrangement, it evaluates if,   subsequent to their initial recognition,
          and to what extent, it has retained the   except and only in those rare   place over a period of several months.
                                                                               Deferred income is recognized in the
          risks and rewards of ownership. When   circumstances when the Institute changes
          it has neither transferred nor retained   its objective of the business model for   statement of comprehensive income
                                                                               to the extent of course delivery taken
          substantially all of the risks and rewards   managing such financial assets.
          of the asset, nor transferred control of                             place and the balance attributable to the
                                                                               remaining course period is recognized
          the asset, the Institute continues to   Consequent to the change in the business
          recognise the transferred asset to the   model if any, the Institute reclassifies all   as a liability on the statement of financial
                                                                               position until income is recognized.
          extent of its continuing involvement. In   affected assets prospectively from the
          that case, the Institute also recognizes an   first day of the next reporting period (the   2.2.2  Provisions
          associated liability. The transferred asset   reclassification date). Prior periods are not
          and the associated liability are measured   restated.                A provision is recognized in the statement
          on a basis that reflects the rights and                              of financial position, when Institute has a
          obligations that the Institute has retained.  2.1.11  Financial Liabilities  legal or constructive obligation as a result
                                                                               of a past event, it is probable that an
                                            All financial liabilities are measured at
          Continuing involvement that takes the   amortised cost, except for financial   outflow of assets will be required to settle
          form of a guarantee over the transferred   liabilities at fair value through profit or   the obligation and the obligation can be
          asset is measured at the lower of the   loss. The Institute does not have financial   measured reliably.
          original carrying amount of the asset and   liabilities other than payables for the year
          the maximum amount of consideration   ended 31st December 2022.      2.2.3  Employee Benefits
          that the Institute could be required to                              (a)   Employee Defined Benefit Plan -
          repay.                                                                     Gratuity
                                            2.1.12  Cash and Cash Equivalents
                                                                                     Defined benefit plan is a post-
          2.1.9  Impairment of Financial Assets  The Institute considers cash in hand as   employment benefit plan, other
                                            amounts due from banks and short-term
          The Institute recognizes an allowance for   deposits with an original maturity of three   than a defined contribution plan.
          expected credit losses (ECLs) for all debt                                 The defined benefit is calculated
          instruments measured at amortized cost.  months or less to be “Cash and cash   by an independent actuary using
                                                                                     Projected Unit Credit (PUC)
          ECLs are based on the difference   Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash   method. The present value of
          between the contractual cash flows due   in hand, cash at bank, deposits at bank   the defined benefit obligation is
          in accordance with the contract and all the   and repurchase agreements.   determined by discounting the
          cash flows that the Institute expects to                                   estimated future cash outflows,
          receive, discounted at an approximation   Bank overdraft is included as a component   using interest rates that are
          of the original effective interest rate. The                               denominated in the currency in
                                            of cash and cash equivalents for the
                                                                                     which the benefits will be paid

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