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          held in March 2022. The event was very   from the Ministry of Education to introduce   FUTURE PLANS
          well attended with a record number of   three new degree programmes – the   As we move to the future, we will strive to
          CA students across Sri Lanka and SAFA   Bachelor of Management in Business   further enhance CA Sri Lanka’s credentials
          countries such as India, Pakistan and   Analytics (General) Degree, Bachelor   as a globally recognised professional
          Nepal.                            of Management in Business Analytics   accounting body and ensure our members
                                            (Honours) Degree and Master of Business   are equipped with transferable skills that
          The “CA Live” online programme launched   Administration Degree. The launch of   will enable them to pursue their chosen
          to promote student engagement during   these programmes in 2023 would cement   careers anywhere in the world.
          COVID-19 pandemic has since gained   the SAB Campus’ position as Sri Lanka’s
          good traction, becoming the most popular   only dedicated centre of learning for a   Equally importantly, we will continue to
          medium for our students to connect   world class degree program.     focus on ensuring our students have
          with the Institute. Based on what we                                 access to world class infrastructure and
          learnt from our interactions with students   Another important milestone for the year   resources to enable them to achieve
          through the “CA Live”, we launched “UP   was the SAB Campus annual convocation   their educational goals. This would mean
          CLOSE with CA” in 2022, as a monthly   for the graduating class of 2022 held in   building our core competencies in tandem
          online forum for students to connect with   December 2022. It was organised as a gala   with the evolving needs of the profession
          the Institute specifically to address issues   event at the BMICH on 12th December   - be it to satisfy the demand for Chartered
          relating to their training.       2022, where 284 general degrees and 59   Accountants, Mid-level Accountants or
                                            Special degrees were conferred. This is the   various branches of financial specialisation.
          TRAINING & LEARNING PARTNER       highest number of graduates we have had   In any case, CA Sri Lanka will aim to lead
          ACCREDITATION                     in one graduation ceremony.        the transformation of the accounting
          33 new training partners were onboarded                              profession in Sri Lanka in line with the
          to CA Sri Lanka training partner   EMPLOYEE WELLBEING                Institutes’ stated objectives.
          accreditation programme during the year,   Just like our members and students, our
          bringing the total partner network to 909 as   employees too were challenged by the   APPRECIATIONS
          at the end of 2022.               negative economic climate in the country.   Before I conclude, I wish to thank the
                                            Recognising these difficulties, we made   President and members of the CA Sri
          The annual learning partner evaluation   every effort to support our employees   Lanka Governing Council for the guidance
          programme was also conducted resulting   to safeguard their financial and mental   and unstinted support during what has
          in 08 learning partners evaluated for higher   wellbeing. Accordingly all salaries and other   been an incredibly challenging twelve
          status. We also appointed a subcommittee   benefits and dues were paid on time and   months. A special word of thanks also to
          of the Education and Curriculum   without delay, whilst maintaining the staff   CA members serving on the Institutes’
          Development Committee to revisit the   cadre without any job losses.  numerous committees that play an
          current accreditation scheme to ensure                               important functional role in the work of CA
          learning partner stay up to date with the   As was the case with most organisations   Sri Lanka.
          latest needs for students.        in Sri Lanka, skill attrition was a major
                                            challenge for CA Sri Lanka in 2022.   I would also like to take this opportunity to
          BRANCH INFRASTRUCTURE             Amidst this backdrop, we deployed   thank my team of diverse and energetic
          Based on the strategic direction given by   various employee retention strategies   employees whose commitment has
          the CA Sri Lanka Governing Council, phase   and also focused on morale building and   empowered CA Sri Lanka to ride out
          II of the branch infrastructure upgrade   strengthening team spirit to keep our   difficulties of 2022.
          programme was implemented which   employees engaged and invested in the
          saw CA Sri Lanka’s Kandy branch being   Institutes’ success.         To our valued members, students and
          relocated to fully refurbished new premises                          strategic partners who have been pillars
          offering world-class facilities. The upgraded   FINANCIAL RESULTS    of strength in these tough times - while
          Kandy branch, with its dedicated member   CA Sri Lanka delivered consistent financial   thanking you for your commitment, I seek
          lounge, fully fledged IT lab and spacious   results for the financial year 2022. Despite   your continued support as CA Sri Lanka
          study rooms is geared to accommodate   some notable cost escalations, income   looks forward to a more vibrant future in
          the needs of students and CA members in   over expenditure after tax Rs. 218 Mn for   the coming years.
          Kandy and the surrounding regions.  the current financial year, was improved
                                            against the Rs. 185 Mn reported in 2021.
          SAB CAMPUS                        Reduction in operating income compared
          After shifting to its new state-of-the-art   to 2021, was mainly due to high inlfationary
          premises in December 2021, the SAB   costs that affected operational costs and
          Campus made good headway in 2022.   the decision not to increase main income   Dulani Fernando
          Encouraged by the strong increase in   sources amidst escalating costs.
          student registrations the SAB Campus                                 Chief Executive Officer
          moved ahead with plans to further diversify
          its courses offered by seeking approval

          16   CA SRI LANKA  | Integrated Annual Report 2022
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