Page 16 - 2596-CA SR Lanka- Annual Report 2022
P. 16


                                                                               Dear Members,
                                                                               Looking back at 2022, it gives me great
                                                                               pride to say that notwithstanding external
                                                                               challenges, CA Sri Lanka remained fully
                                                                               focused on delivering its core purpose
                                                                               to create value for its stakeholders. As
                                                                               the leading accounting body in Sri Lanka
                                                                               and the key custodian of the Country’s
                                                                               accounting profession, I am very pleased
                                                                               to say that our efforts to keep pace with
                                                                               the rapidly evolving global accounting
                                                                               profession also gathered momentum with
                                                                               some landmark achievements noted during
                                                                               the current financial year.

                                                                               PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF
                                                                               We continued to fulfil our mandate to
                                                                               facilitate the professional development
                                                                               of members by opening up multiple
                                                                               opportunities for them to meet the 20-
                                                                               hour mandatory annual CPD requirement
                                                                               attached to the CA membership. We can
                                                                               proudly say that, the highest number of
                                                                               CPD hours of professional development
                                                                               for a year, being 511 hours was offered
                                                                               to our members in 2022. 41% of these
                                                                               programmes was offered free of charge to
                                                                               provide an added benefit and advantage to
                                                                               our members.

                                                                               Moreover despite the prevailing inflationary
                                                                               conditions we refrained from increasing
                                                                               membership fees, deciding instead to
                                                                               absorb cost escalations. These measures
          As we move to the future, we will                                    were taken in a bid to help members to
                                                                               retain their membership status in these
                                                                               economically challenging times and reap
          strive to further enhance CA Sri                                     the benefits that the membership offers.

          Lanka’s credentials as a globally                                    Our flagship member event - the Annual
                                                                               National Conference which for the past
          recognised professional accounting                                   two years had been held with limited
                                                                               physical participation due to the pandemic,
          body and ensure our members are                                      was revived as a fully fledged 3-day
                                                                               event in October 2022 under the theme
                                                                               - “Transform: Self, Society, Corporate,
          equipped with transferable skills                                    Country”. The fact that this 43rd National
                                                                               Conference attracted over 2,000
          that will enable them to pursue their                                delegates, I believe stands testament to
                                                                               the contextual relevance of the topics
          chosen careers anywhere in the                                       discussed at the forum.

                                                                               Marking another important milestone
          world.                                                               in our efforts to strengthen member
                                                                               engagement, the first ever Regional
                                                                               Conference was held in Galle, in March
                                                                               2022. The purpose of the event was to
                                                                               urge our regional members to get more
                                                                               actively involved in the Institute's work
                                                                               and also give them a platform to initiate
                                                                               meaningful discussions on topical matters
          14   CA SRI LANKA  | Integrated Annual Report 2022
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