Page 14 - 2596-CA SR Lanka- Annual Report 2022
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          STUDENT MATTERS                   Given the demands of the modern
          Student registrations, after plummeting
          sharply during the pandemic, picked   accounting profession, CA Sri
          up significantly in 2022 thanks to our
          aggressive student enrolment drive. While   Lanka’s way forward will be
          not yet on par with pre-COVID numbers,
          I am pleased to say that new student   to strengthen complementary
          enrolments for 2022 stood at 6,539.
                                            disciplines that will augment the
          In our endeavour to deliver a world class
          student learning experience, a few interim   Institute’s core value proposition.
          revisions were made to ensure our
          curriculum reflects the current trends. This
          was done in the latter part of 2022 even
          though the next formal curriculum revision   the positive response we received for the   The UNDP Programme, a UNDP-sponsored
          is due only in 2024. Interim revisions made   initial programme, we are now looking   initiative to train public sector employees
          in three main areas of the CA Curriculum   to roll out a formal capacity building   working in local authorities in the Northern,
          2020; SL 01 - Advanced Business   programme for trainees of our non-  Eastern, Uva, and North Central Provinces,
          Reporting, BL 08 – Digital Business   practicing organisations as well.  also continued throughout the year.
          Strategy, and the IT Pillar. The syllabi for                         The APFASL collaborated with USAID
          each area was reviewed and updated in   BUILDING PUBLIC SECTOR       PARTNER activity in Sri Lanka to offer a
          the context of the latest developments   PROFESSIONALS               new program on SLPSAS and IT skills for
          in the industry and the profession with                              public sector personnel to further expand
          the changes set to come into effect from   The Association of Public Financial   its training resources.
          January 2023.                     Accountants (APFASL), the public sector
                                            wing of CA Sri Lanka, continued with
          On a related note we made certain that all   its planned programs to capacity build   CONTRIBUTION TO POLICY REFORMS
          examinations and other student support   the public sector finance professionals,   CA Sri Lanka’s advisory role has proven
          as well as student engagement activities   unfazed by the socioeconomic issues.   to be an invaluable resource in supporting
          went ahead uninterrupted, even amidst   APFASL arranged for CA Sri Lanka to   public sector policy reforms. With the
          numerous challenges.              enter into a fresh MOU with CIPFA (UK)   economic crisis taking center stage this
                                            for a further period up to 2025. The   past year, CA Sri Lanka Governing Council
          CA Sri Lanka’s Kandy branch was relocated   understanding will allow APFASL to   invited its membership to submit their
          to a more spacious premises with the   promote CPFA qualification in the country   proposals to CA Sri Lanka on Sri Lanka’s
          latest infrastructure including a fully fledged   both by means of direct entry and via the   way forward. As a culmination of these
          IT lab for the benefit of our students in the   examination route.   efforts, a comprehensive discussion paper
          central province.                                                    was prepared along with proposals for
                                            The "Public Sector" wing of CA Sri Lanka   short, medium and long term action for
          BUSINESS PARTNER RELATIONSHIPS    was the subject of a case study by CAPA   economic revival. The document which
                                            in 2022, which was published in November   was prepared in the national interest
          As always, building sustainable working
          relationships with learning partners is an   2022. It provided an illustration of the   was handed over to key government
          important part of our student learning   decision made by a national PAO in Sri   stakeholders, including the secretary
          experience. Through our business partner   Lanka to expand its operations into the   to the Ministry of Finance Mr. Mahinda
          accreditation programme, CA Sri Lanka   public sector as well as the organizational   Siriwardena and Governor of the CBSL
          established new ties with 4 new learning   structures put in place to carry out these   Dr. Nandalal Weerasinghe as well as all
          partners in 2022. The annual learning   operations.                  recognised political party leaders, the
          partners evaluation too was conducted   With 125 participants, the sixth Best   media and donor agencies. I am deeply
          with 20 learning partners during the year   Annual Reports and Accounts (BARA)   gratified to see our proposals well received
          under review.                                                        with some already implemented.
                                            Awards Competition was successfully
                                            held. Of these, 43 institutions were   With government tax revenue deemed
          The annual learning partner evaluations   awarded for excellence in financial
          also provided us with some key insights   reporting, and an additional 59 obtained   to be a crucial factor in resurrecting Sri
          about areas for further improvement. It is   certificates of compliance. The most recent   Lanka’s economy from its present crisis,
          on this basis that we launched a special   addition to APFASL’s portfolio of capacity-  CA Sri Lanka also hosted its first-ever
          training initiative for trainees of our SMPs   building programs is the MPFM degree   inaugural tax symposium. The two
          (Small and Medium Practitioners). Given                              -day symposium held under the theme
                                            program, which is about to be launched.

          12   CA SRI LANKA  | Integrated Annual Report 2022
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