Page 22 - 2596-CA SR Lanka- Annual Report 2022
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          Mr. Sanjaya Bandara (President)   Committee and the Digital Transformation   Ms. Coralie Pietersz
          FCA, MBA (Colombo), BSc (Accy) Special   Committee of CA Sri Lanka. He is also   ACA (ICAEW), FCA, B. Sc (Hons) Physics
          (Sri Jayewardenepura)             an incumbent Member of Council of the   (University of Sussex), MBA (Heriot –
                                            Association of Accounting Technicians of   Watt University, Edinburgh)
          President of CA Sri Lanka and Partner of   Sri Lanka (AAT).
          BR De Silva & Co.                                                    Ms. Coralie Pietersz is an Independent
                                            Mr. Manil Jayesinghe               Director and Chair of Bogala Graphite
          Mr. Bandara is a board member of the   FCA, FCMA (UK), CPFA (UK)     Lanka PLC, Senior Director/Independent
          Confederation of Asian and Pacific                                   Director and Chair of the Audit
          Accountants (CAPA) and the South Asian   Immediate past President of CA Sri Lanka   Committees at People’s Leasing and
          Federation of Accountants (SAFA).  and Managing Partner of Ernst & Young   Finance PLC and independent Non-
                                                                               executive director and Chair of the Audit
          Mr. Bandara is a Board Member of the Sri   Mr. Jayesinghe chairs the SAFA   Committees at RIL Property PLC, United
          Lanka Accounting and Auditing Standards   Accounting Standards Committee.   Motors Lanka PLC, Panasian Power PLC
          Monitoring Board (SLAASMB). He is also   Mr. Jayesinghe is the Chairman of   and Hemas Pharmaceuticals (Private)
          a commission member of the Securities   the Statutory Accounting Standards   Limited. She also serves as the alternate
          and Exchange Commission of Sri Lanka   Committee and serves in many other   chairperson of the Branding Committee
          (SEC).                            committees including the Statutory   and is a member of the Audit Committee
                                            Auditing Committee, Education and   Ms. Pietersz has over 25 years of
          He serves as a member of SAFA     Curriculum Development Committee,   experience at senior levels in both private
          committee on Professional Ethics and   Financial Reporting Standards   and public sectors. Her experience
          Independence.                     Implementation and Interpretation   includes the roles of CFO at Nations Trust
                                            Task Force as well as Examinations   Bank PLC, Group CFO at Richard Pieris
          Mr. Bandara chairs the Exemptions and   Committee. He is also a Board Member   and Co. PLC and as Finance Director
          Reciprocal Arrangement Committee   of the Sri Lanka Accounting and Auditing   of Finlays Colombo Ltd, Hapugastenna
          and serves in many other committees   Standards Monitoring Board (SLAAMB).   Plantations PLC and Udapussallawa
          including Accounting Standards    He is also a Commission Member of the   Plantation PLC
          Committee, Auditing Standards     Securities and Exchange Commission
          Committee, Finance and Administration   (SEC), a Council Member of CMA Sri   Mr. Tishan Subasinghe
          (F&A) Committee and the Board of   Lanka. Mr. Jayesinghe is a former Board   FCA, CISA (USA), ACMA, LL.B (Hons),
          Management of the SAB Campus of CA   Member of the International Accounting   MBA (Finance) (Colombo)
          Sri Lanka.                        Education Standards Board (IAESB) of the
                                            International Federation of Accountants   Managing Director, Moore Consulting
          Mr. Heshana Kuruppu (Vice President)  (IFAC).                        (Pvt) Ltd. and partner at Moore aiyar.
          FCA, MBA (Banking and Finance) PIM,
          MA (Financial Economics) (Colombo),   Mr. Chulantha  Wickramaratne   Mr. Subasinghe serves on several
          B. Sc (Accy) Special 1st Class (Sri   FCA, ACMA, CPFA, B. Com (Special)   committees of SAFA which includes
          Jayewardenepura), ACMA            Auditor General - National Audit Office  committee on NPOs and Cooperative
                                                                               Sector, International Relations Committee
          Vice President of CA Sri Lanka and   Mr. Wickramaratne has graduated with   and SAFA Committee on Information
          Executive Director, David Pieris Holdings   Honours from the Kelaniya University in   Technology. He serves as the Chairman
          (Pvt) Ltd.                        Commerce, a qualified member of the   of the Member Relations Committee, Tax
                                            Chartered Institute of Public Finance and   Faculty, School of Taxation and Alternate
          Mr. Kuruppu serves as Vice President of   Accountancy of UK |CIPFA) and Institute   Chairman of Finance and Administration
          SAFA Board. He served as the Chairman   of Certified Management Accountants   Committee (F&A). He is a member of
          of the Committee for Improvement   of Sri lanka (ACMA). He also holds   the Member Development Committee of
          in Transparency, Accountability and   Fellowship in the Institute of Financial   & confederation of the Asia and Pacific
          Governance (ITAG) until February 2022,   Accountants of the United Kingdom (FFA).   Accountants (CAPA). Mr. Subasinghe is
          He serves as a member of the SAFA   He serves as a member of the Statutory   the Chairman of Sanasa General Insurance
          Professional Accountants in Business   Auditing Standards Committee.  Company Limited and Non Executive
          (PAIB) Committee and a Member of the                                 Director at Amana Bank PLC. He is also
          Committee to Study Fiscal Regimes and                                a Council Member of the University of
          other Statutory Requirements of Business                             Moratuwa.
          in SAARC Countries. Mr. Kuruppu
          Chair the Finance and Administration

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