Page 15 - 2596-CA SR Lanka- Annual Report 2022
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“Prudent Tax Policies for Economic   WAY FORWARD                     On the topic of member capacity building,
          Stability”. The ultimate aim of the   Given the demands of the modern   I am very pleased to see our Overseas
          symposium was to provide a common   accounting profession, CA Sri Lanka’s   Chapters getting more involved. At
          forum for both policymakers and taxpayers   way forward will be to strengthen   the time of writing, we have seen the
          to deliberate and make suggestions on   complementary disciplines that will   successful conclusion of CA Sri Lanka’s
          how the policy framework in the country   augment the Institute's core value   first-ever International Conference in Dubai.
          should be tailored for the best interests of   proposition. Our focus in this regard   Judging by the enthusiastic response for
          all stakeholders.                 would be to create diverse learning   this event from CA members in the Middle
                                            opportunities through a combination of   East and around the world, I expect our
          Other routine forums to facilitate   short courses, programmes, diplomas,   Overseas Chapters will take on a bigger
          discussion on economic policy and budget   degree programmes and other learning   role in supporting member capacity
          proposals were also continued.    resources that cater to the demand for   building activities in the coming years.
                                            specialisation in emerging fields such   CA Sri Lanka is also working towards
          SAB CAMPUS                                                           setting up new overseas chapters in UK
                                            as data analytics, Artificial Intelligence,
          I am very pleased to see the progress   Forensic Investigations and sustainability   and Canada, which I expect will assist
          made by the SAB Campus in the current   reporting.                   in creating more robust opportunities to
          financial year. At the SAB Campus                                    support global mobility of CA members.
          convocation held in December 2022,   As the key custodian of the accounting
          343 graduates were awarded degree   profession in Sri Lanka, CA Sri Lanka   As always, CA Sri Lanka will seek to build
          certificates.                     will look at updating the core curriculum   and cultivate relationships with globally
                                            by broadening the standardised course   recognised professional accounting bodies
          The growing popularity of both its core   content in the areas of Corporate Reporting   not only to support member mobility
          degree programmes - the Bachelor of   and auditing. Further the Institute is   but also to make an impact towards the
          Applied Accounting General Degree   planning to introduce a set of forensic   upliftment of the accounting profession as
          and the Bachelor of Applied Accounting   Accounting standards followed by a course   a whole.
          Honours degree programmes saw, student   on Fraud Investigations.
          numbers at the SAB Campus increased                                  ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
          notably in 2022. As at end December   We are also hoping to update our   My appreciation to the members of the
          2022, the SAB Campus had 1,413 active   examination infrastructure on par with   CA Governing Council for their insightful
          students.                         global standards. We plan on offering on-  leadership always. On behalf of the
                                            demand exams for Business Level 1 and   Council, I wish to thank Ms. Dulani
          SME TASK FORCE                    2 and also converting the first two levels   Fernando - CA Sri Lanka’s CEO and her
          The SME Task Force was initially built on   examinations into the virtual format with   team for their hard work, resilience and
          the premise of supporting SMEs to cope   effect from January 2023. In due course,   commitment towards CA Sri Lanka’s
          with the pandemic induced economic   we also want to Increase the frequency of   strategic objectives.
          stress. Since then however the SME   Corporate and Strategic level exams.
          Task Force has been transformed into a                               The Council joins me in expressing our
          specialist advisory service dedicated to   The SAB Campus too will aim to expand its   sincere appreciation to our members who
          uplifting the Country’s SME sector.   activities through the introduction of two   have selflessly volunteered their time
                                            new degree programmes - the Bachelor   and skills to serve on our committees.
          In 2022, the SME Task Force in    in Business Analytics and a Master in   In closing, I wish to thank all our other
          collaboration with National Enterprise   Business Administration programme.   stakeholders who have been part of our
          Development Authority (NEDA) carried out   Updating the curriculum of Certified Tax   journey.
          a series of capacity building programmes   Adviser Course offered by the CA Sri Lanka
          for the benefit of nearly 200 SMEs in three   School of Taxation will be another key
          districts.                        priority, going forward.

          Apart from the benefits to the SMEs the   We are also planning on a series of new
          Task Force creates an opportunity for   innovative member capacity building   Sanjaya Bandara
          our members to volunteer their time and   initiatives, including hosting the first-ever   President - CA Sri Lanka
          expertise to serve on our SME mentor   strategy summit and a third regional
          pool. As at end December 2022, we had   conference in Jaffna. I expect that the
          over 100 of our senior members actively   launch of CA Sri Lanka’s third fully fledged
          engaged as SME mentors.           branch in Kurunegala in mid-2023 will also
                                            play a crucial role in ensuring our member
                                            capacity building initiatives reach a wider
                                            target audience.

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