Page 17 - 2596-CA SR Lanka- Annual Report 2022
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for economic growth in their respective   In May 2022, amidst the unstable   STUDENT RESOURCES
          areas. Following the tremendous response   economic and political turmoil that was   A fundamental part of the CA Sri Lanka
          received for the Galle Regional Conference,   faced by our members, students, staff and   student value proposition involves ensuring
          a second Regional Conference was held   stakeholders, being true to our calling as a   our students have access to robust study
          on a similar scale in Kandy in December   responsible Institution,  a comprehensive   resources to continue their education
          2022. We are now planning to host a third   set of proposals on how to revive the   without interruption. The challenges
          Regional Conference in Jaffna in April   economy and help the country overcome   encountered in these past few years,
          2023.                             the current crisis was handed over to   first with the pandemic and now with the
                                            the Secretary to the Treasury, Governor,   ongoing economic crisis, prompted us
          Multiple other events were organised   State and Opposition key stakeholders.   to explore innovative ways to deliver on
          throughout 2022 to allow members   These recommendations that were   this promise. Accordingly, we mobilised
          to enhance their knowledge in various   compiled with the input received from   all necessary resources to ensure all four
          areas and stay informed on the latest   our membership and the internal Task   Business Level exams, two Corporate
          developments in the profession.   Force that was formed focused on   Level exams, two Strategic Level exams,
                                            short-term, medium-term, and long-term   four Business Communication I exams and
          GLOBAL MOBILITY OF MEMBERS        solutions covering improving Balance of   three Business Communication II exams,
          Supporting global mobility of our members   Payment and Increasing Foreign Reserves,   were all held without any disruptions.
          has been one of the core objectives   improving Government Fiscal Situation   Business level exams continued to be
          during this year. The fact that 26% of our   (Increasing Government Revenue and   offered at all 9 examination centres around
          members currently work overseas, stands   Decreasing Government Expenditure),   the country. Working to further increase
          as testament to the global recognition that   proposal connected to Reforms and other   the number of centres offering Business
          is given to the Chartered Accountancy   suggestions.                 Level exams, CA Sri Lanka signed an MoU
          qualification.                                                       with ESOFT Technologies (Pvt) Ltd to gain
                                            STUDENT ENROLMENTS                 access to ESOFT’s network of computer
          I am very pleased to see that CA Sri   With our student enrolment programme   labs around the country. With this move,
          Lanka’s Overseas Chapters are playing an   heavily affected by the pandemic in the   CA students will have access to 20+ new
          increasingly active role in driving global   past two years, we redoubled our efforts   examination centres around the country
          member mobility. Throughout 2022, all our   to increase new student registrations in   with effect from March 2023. In parallel,
          Overseas Chapters were heavily involved   2022. Our student recruitment drive was   we introduced on-demand examinations
          in the delivery of CPD programmes and   led by a special promotional campaign   for our Business Level students with effect
          other networking events for CA members   tagged #WinLifeWithCA, which was   from January 2023 to facilitate the high
          in their respective territories.   run concurrently on print, electronic and   demand for our CA qualification. In the
                                            digital mediums. The main pitch of the   meantime our students continue to benefit
          We further strengthened our Overseas   #WinLifeWithCA was to raise awareness   from a range of Exam Support Webinars,
          Chapter network in 2022 under the   about the multiple entry pathways available   Integrated Case Study Webinars and Mock
          stewardship of a newly appointed Chapter   to students and also showcase the CA   Examinations combined with virtual paper
          Establishment Committee. The Canadian   qualification as the most secure path for   discussion sessions.
          Chapter formally established in December   future career mobility.
          2022 was the end result of many months                               Well aware of the importance of providing
          of careful planning by the Chapter   Even amidst the uncertainties caused   varied learning opportunities for our
          Establishment Committee. CA Sri Lanka’s   by the frequent postponement of the   students, CA Sri Lanka expanded its
          first-ever international conference was   GCE Advanced Level examinations   student capacity building activities. Study
          hosted in Dubai in collaboration with our   we continued with our longstanding   packs were made available as soft copies
          Middle East Chapters in early 2023.  “Sisunena” seminar series for A/L   at a lower cost, providing an economical
                                            students in all 9 provinces. Meanwhile,   and convenient option to students to
          STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT            recognising the difficulties faced by   continue with their studies.
          To demonstrate our advocacy of good   students in these tough economic
          governance, compliance and ethics, we   conditions, student registration fees was   As part of our ongoing efforts to expand
          organised a CEO forum in September   kept unchanged. 138 scholarships was   the knowledge banks available to our
          2022 under the topic ‘Economic Recovery   awarded through the CA Foundation to   students, we further strengthened our
          and Debt Sustainability ‘ which attracted   high achievers at the 2021 GCE Advanced   partnerships with various local universities
          over 100 top Corporate CEO’s and   Level Examinations and other economically   with 3 landmark MoUs being signed with
          Chairpersons.                     challenged students.               Wayamba, South Eastern and Eastern
          Further by introducing the first-ever tax   A culmination of these efforts saw student
          symposium under the topic “Prudent   enrolment numbers surpassing 6,500 in   I am glad to report that CA Sri Lanka
          Tax Policies for Economic Stability,”   2022, a remarkable improvement from   Student Society remained very active,
          we provided a unique opportunity for   the 5,308 and 3,351 recorded in 2021 and   organising several events throughout the
          tax professionals to discuss the latest   2020 respectively.         year, among them the 36th International
          economic and tax changes and their                                   CA Students’ Conference which was

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