Page 72 - CA Sri Lanka Integrated Annual Report 2023
P. 72


          CA Sri Lanka's Human Resource (HR)   Additionally, the HR division  in   Training and Development Initiatives
          Division plays a vital role in ensuring the   collaboration with the CA Sri Lanka Staff   The Institute’s commitment to employee
          smooth functioning of the Institute’s   Welfare Society organized Christmas   development was evident through various
          multitude of academic, professional   celebrations in December 2023, creating   training initiatives conducted during the
          and community development services.   a festive atmosphere and reinforcing team   reporting period. HR Division facilitated
          During the year under review, the Division   spirit.                 collaboration with external partners, such
          also embarked on multiple activities                                 as the Sri Lanka Standards Institute, to
          to foster growth and recognition of its                              provide in-depth training on 5S and its
          employees aimed at cultivating a strong,                             practical implementation.
          unified team aligned with the goals of
          CA Sri Lanka. These efforts focused                                  To ensure the sustainability of the 5S
          on strategic recruitment, seamless                                   training programmes, an audit team was
          onboarding, employee engagement, policy                              nominated from among the participants.
          enhancement and fostering a culture of                               This team conducted periodic audits
          continual learning.                                                  to assess and maintain 5S practices,
                                                                               reinforcing the importance of continuous
          Recruitment and Onboarding                                           improvement and adherence to standards.
                                            Christmas carols 2023
          The HR Division played a crucial role in
          driving the Institute’s growth through   Long-service employees who completed   Employee Well-being and Inclusivity
          strategic recruitment initiatives. Over the   25 years of dedicated service were also   At CA Sri Lanka, employee well-being
          reporting period, HR effectively recruited   recognized during this event.  stands as a central concern. The Institute
          new employees, aligning the Institute with                           is firmly dedicated to establishing a secure
          skilled and talented professionals.   Lifetime achievement award was   and injury-free workplace that nurtures
                                            introduced by the Staff Welfare Society for
                                            the first  time in CA history to recognize the   productivity and growth. This commitment
                                            longest serving employee who provided 39   extends to fostering an environment free
                                            years of excellent service to the Institute.   from harassment and discrimination.
                                                                               Regardless of age, gender, marital status,
                                                                               or religious beliefs, all employees are
                                                                               afforded equal opportunities to thrive
                                                                               within the organization. This dedication to
                                                                               fairness and inclusivity not only defines
                                                                               the Institute's culture but also catalyzes
                                                                               enhanced productivity and overall success.
          Recruitment and Onboarding Event
          Employee Engagement and                                                Future Outlook
          Recognition                       Presenting of Lifetime achievement award  In the upcoming year, HR Division at
          The commitment of the HR Division to   Policy Refinement and Process   CA Sri Lanka will sustain its efforts
          fostering employee engagement and   Improvement                        to foster employee engagement,
          recognition was evident through various   HR's efforts in refining policies and   streamline processes and promote
          initiatives conducted during the reporting   processes contributed to a more organized   continuous learning. By prioritizing
          period. Notably, the "Mind Masters - Quiz   and transparent work environment.   initiatives that enhance recruitment
          Competition" organized in November 2023                                practices, recognize employee
          aimed at promoting collaboration and team   The reintroduction of the Employee ID   contributions and refine policies, the
          spirit.                           card system ensured uniformity and   Division aims to cultivate a workplace
                                            professionalism across the organization.   culture that lines up both individual
                                                                                 growth and the Institute’s success.
                                            Furthermore, the Division worked on
                                            updating the HR policy manual and
                                            introduced a process map to provide clarity
                                            on HR processes. These initiatives aimed at
                                            enhancing transparency and adherence to
                                            established guidelines.

          Winners Mind Masters - Quiz Competition

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