Page 67 - CA Sri Lanka Integrated Annual Report 2023
P. 67
Over the years, CA Sri Lanka has supported the public sector in integrating the best practices into public financial accounting adhering
to global accounting and financial standards. The public finance arm of CA Sri Lanka - the Association of Public Financial Accountants of
Sri Lanka (APFASL) - is responsible for these initiatives. APFASL focuses on conducting training programmes and capacity building for
public sector financial professionals. Throughout the year, APFASL implemented various projects and organised events achieving the
milestone of contributing towards the growth of the public finance and accounting.
Performance Highlights Diploma in Local Government Preparation of the Provincial Best Annual
h Enhanced financial management Financial Management Internal Audit (IA) Report & Accounts
capabilities through UNDP partnership (DLGFM) Programme Manual for Local (BARA) Competition
h Strengthened expertise in SLPSAS The DLGFM programme Over a six month period The DLGFM programme
11-20 with USAID collaboration consisted of two phases. The in 2023 two subject was held in June and
h Extended strategic alliance with first phase, commenced in March matter experts guided July 2023, benefiting
CIPFA (UK) until 2025 2022, and involved activities by a panel of five participants from
across the Northern, Eastern, specialists in Internal four provinces. The
h Successfully hosted AGM, Annual North Central, and Uva provinces. Auditing, compiled ceremony was held
Conference and BARA Awards It concluded with examinations the comprehensive at the Anuradhapura
Ceremony held in December 2023 and IA Manual. It was Provincial Council
h Adapted to challenges, explored January 2024, followed by award concluded by Auditorium in
virtual training options and advocated ceremonies in April and May September 2023 by September 2023 to
for support 2023 across the provinces. presenting the final recognize excellence
document to the in financial reporting
h Projects The second phase was launched UNDP. This reflects a among local authorities.
in December 2022, introduced strong commitment This initiative recognized
At the beginning of 2023, the a specialized Sinhala medium to adhering to best the excellence in
continuation of the UNDP Programme DLGFM programme for local practices in internal financial reporting
and the initiation of the USAID project authority staff in the Eastern auditing. and highlighted our
were notable projects underway. province. It concluded with members' dedication
This aims to enhance financial examinations held in August and to transparency and
management practices in Sri Lanka the award ceremony in the end accountability.
while strengthening the collaboration of September. This programme
with international partners.
supported 220 individuals
in enhancing the financial
• UNDP Project
management capabilities of local
In 2023, APFASL effectively authorities, providing them with
concluded its partnership with Diploma certificates.
the UNDP Programme which
commenced in March 2022. The • USAID Project • Events
objective of this collaboration
was to enhance the financial In February 2023, USAID In 2023, APFASL hosted its AGM
management capabilities of launched a programme in Sri in April, fostering constructive
local authorities. The programme Lanka to strengthen expertise dialogue and community
comprised of the following three in SLPSAS 11-20 among public cohesion. The Annual Conference
main activities; sector accountants. Led by in October facilitated knowledge
renowned professionals, the exchange, aiding members'
initiative spans all provinces, professional development.
focusing on enhancing financial Short-term capacity-building
management and transparency. programmes were conducted to
700 professionals have benefited align skills with evolving public
from rigorous training sessions, accounting standards.
fostering uniform understanding
and implementation of
accounting standards.
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