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          TAGS Awards                       In December 2023, CA Sri Lanka hosted   The full-day event kicked off with
          In a landmark move, the esteemed Annual   the prestigious TAGS Awards, recognizing   two insightful speeches delivered
          Report Awards competition underwent   outstanding corporate reporting in Sri   during the inauguration session. Mr.
          a significant transformation in 2022,   Lanka. With stiff competition among   Nihar N. Jambusaria, Immediate Past
          emerging anew as the TAGS Awards.   122 esteemed companies spanning 27   President, the South Asian Federation
          This rebranding signifies a crucial shift   sectors, the TAGS Awards showcased   of Accountants, set the tone of the
          towards recognizing and promoting   leaders committed to upholding   symposium Prof. Lalith Samarakoon,
          Transparency, Accountability, Governance,   the highest standards of corporate   Chair & Professor of Finance, Opus
          and Sustainability (TAGS) within corporate   reporting. Held at the Shangri-La Hotel,   College of Business, University of St.
          reporting. The TAGS Awards represent a   Colombo, the gala evening honoured   Thomas, Minnesota spoke on “Sri Lanka’s
          departure from convention, seeking to   deserving recipients, including those   Economic Crisis: Lessons and Policy
          instill a more comprehensive approach to   excelling in specific areas such as   Implications” .
          reporting that transcends the traditional   corporate governance disclosure, digital
          focus solely on financial metrics.  transformation, sustainability reporting,
                                            and integrated reporting. Inclusion in the
          Led by CA Sri Lanka President     TAGS Awards 2023 not only acknowledges
          Mr. Sanjaya Bandara, the TAGS Awards   exemplary efforts but also reaffirms
          herald a new era of recognition and   dedication to promoting best practices
          accountability. By shifting the foundation   and driving positive change within Sri
          to Corporate Reporting, these awards   Lanka’s business landscape.
          signal a broader scope that encompasses
          both financial and non-financial aspects.   CA Sri Lanka Annual Research
          Moreover, the integration of ESG   Symposium
          reporting frameworks underscores the   In response to the dynamic shifts within
          commitment to acknowledging and   the global accounting landscape, CA
          incentivizing companies’ efforts towards   Sri Lanka hosted its Annual Research
          environmental, social, and governance   Symposium. This gathering provided
          responsibilities.                 CA members and industry leaders with
                                            a unique opportunity to collaborate,
          The TAGS Awards aspire to inspire   share perspectives, and enhance their
          organizations of all sizes, from   readiness for emerging challenges that
          multinational corporations to small and   could significantly impact the future of the
          medium enterprises, to embrace the core   profession.
          principles of transparency, accountability,
          governance, and sustainability. This   During the symposium of 2023 held on
          holistic approach not only fosters trust and   19 January 2024, key research findings
          credibility but also empowers businesses   on contemporary issues facing the
          to make meaningful contributions to   Accounting and Finance Profession took
          society and the environment while   centre stage, with a group of well-versed
          navigating the complexities of the modern   researchers sharing their insights on
          corporate landscape.              contemporary issues in auditing, value
                                            relevance and investment decisions, and
                                            value creation through Data Analytics and
                                            Cloud Accounting.

         TAGS Awards 2023 gold award for overall
         excellence in Corporate Reporting - Hayleys PLC

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