Page 12 - CA Sri Lanka Integrated Annual Report 2023
P. 12


                                                                               Lanka remained dedicated to serving
                                                                               our members, students, and the public,
                                                                               focusing on professional development,
                                                                               fostering networking connections, and
                                                                               spearheading advocacy initiatives for both
                                                                               the growth and success of our nation.

                                                                               As the National Body of Accountants, we
                                                                               have been immensely proud of our crucial
                                                                               and impactful regulatory role since 1959
                                                                               in elevating the bar of the accounting
                                                                               profession in Sri Lanka. To effectively
                                                                               deal with the complexities of financial
                                                                               reporting, regulatory compliance, and
                                                                               strategic decision-making, it is imperative
                                                                               to maintain unwavering momentum in this

                                                                               Given Sri Lanka’s unique position in the
                                                                               Indian Ocean and the growing global
                                                                               interconnectedness, accountants are
                                                                               essential to maintaining financial integrity,
                                                                               attracting investment, and fostering
                                                                               sustainable prosperity. As such, CA Sri
          As the National Body              Dear Members,                      Lanka has continued to accept its critical

          of Accountants, we                The economic crisis that swept through   role and has been at the forefront in
                                                                               driving excellence within the accounting
                                            Sri Lanka in 2022, undoubtedly tested
          have been immensely               the resilience of our economy, our   profession across Sri Lanka during the
          proud of our crucial and          communities, and even the professional   year under review.
                                            landscape in 2023. But, amidst the
          impactful regulatory              adversity, the role of Chartered   Reinforcing Our Influential Role
                                            Accountants emerged pivotal in navigating
          role since 1959 in                the turbulent waters of the crisis, as well   Whether it was navigating complex
                                                                               regulatory landscapes, restructuring
          elevating the bar                 as the subsequent post-pandemic period   financial operations, or devising
                                            throughout 2023 —a year characterized by
                                                                               innovative solutions to mitigate risk, CA
          of the accounting                 remarkable rebound for us as a country.   Sri Lanka stood at the forefront of the
          profession in Sri Lanka.          The economic crisis of 2022, exacerbated   battle against economic uncertainty.
                                                                               The year 2023 is critical for CA Sri
          To effectively deal               by the lingering effects of the COVID-19   Lanka for a varied number of reasons.
                                            pandemic, presented multifaceted
          with the complexities             challenges to Sri Lanka. From supply   Critical among it was our continuously
                                                                               expanding role as we continued to make
          of financial reporting,           chain disruptions to heightened financial   significant contributions to the national
                                            volatility, the landscape was fraught with
                                                                               economy by engaging with multiple
          regulatory compliance,            uncertainty. Yet, it is during such times   stakeholders including the Government
                                            of uncertainty that the expertise and
          and strategic decision-           dedication of Chartered Accountants   of Sri Lanka (GOSL), apart from also
                                                                               providing professional advice on the
          making, it is imperative          shine brightest. As custodians of financial   country’s debt restructuring and finance
                                            integrity and stewards of economic
          to maintain unwavering            stability, our profession played a pivotal   management, fulfilling a key requirement
                                                                               of the International Monetary Fund (IMF)
          momentum in this                  role in mitigating the impact of the crisis.  negotiations with GOSL.
          respect.                          The dawn of 2023 brought renewed   We also submitted proposals to the
                                            optimism for us as a nation, as we   Ministry of Finance for the National
                                            continued to overcome the many     Budget – 2024, outlining a series of
                                            challenges. Throughout 2023, CA Sri

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