Page 13 - CA Sri Lanka Integrated Annual Report 2023
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proposals aimed at creating a robust   relation to the implementation of SLFRS   In our commitment
          and unified tax system, complemented   17. Subsequently, the Council of CA Sri
          by an efficient tax administration, in our   Lanka approved a revised effective date   to excellence, CA
          objective to promote social justice and   of implementation, considering practical   Sri Lanka remains
          equity for all taxpayers in Sri Lanka.   challenges faced by preparers, setting it
                                            for 01st January 2026.             steadfast in its pursuit of
          In March 2023, CA Sri Lanka was also
          instrumental when it brought together   Empowering Our Members       sustainable practices.
          key stakeholders, including President of   Our members actively contribute their   Our focus extends
          Sri Lanka, Hon. Ranil Wickremesinghe as   expertise to both the local and global
          well as Ministers, Opposition MPs and   communities, and their influence extends   beyond conventional
          business leaders for a vibrant discourse   across 58 countries, reinforcing our   norms as we prioritise
          aimed at understanding the roadmap for   reputation as a globally recognised
          Sri Lanka’s economic recovery. Notably,   professional body. To further reinforce the   Environment, Social,
          the CA Sri Lanka forum was among the   standing of our members at a local and
          first open dialogues following approval of   international level, we rolled out numerous   and Governance (ESG)
          a USD 2.9 billion loan from IMF.   initiatives to strengthen the profession   principles. We are
                                            and our members during the year under
          Embracing Sustainability          review.                            proud to announce our
          In our commitment to excellence, CA                                  alignment with the
          Sri Lanka remains steadfast in its pursuit   In 2023, CA Sri Lanka adopted the
          of sustainable practices. Our focus   International Ethics Standards Board of   Sustainability Standards
          extends beyond conventional norms as   Accountants’ 2021 Edition of the Code of   (S1 & S2) issued by
          we prioritise Environment, Social, and   Ethics for Professional Accountants and,
          Governance (ESG) principles. We are   additionally, also introduced the revised   the International
          proud to announce our alignment with   Corporate Governance Code to strengthen
          the Sustainability Standards (S1 & S2)   corporate governance practices through   Sustainability Standards
          issued by the International Sustainability   voluntary adoption in the country.  Board, reinforcing our
          Standards Board, reinforcing our
          dedication to global sustainability trends.   In 2023, CA Sri Lanka also inked   dedication to global
          CA Sri Lanka has already commenced   agreements with CIMA and CIPM. The   sustainability trends.
          the rollout of a series of programmes   membership pathway agreement allows
          aimed at educating stakeholders on the   members of both CA Sri Lanka and CIMA
          intricacies of S1 & S2 standards, ensuring   to qualify and become members of the
          comprehensive understanding and   other institution through the recognition of   Our groundbreaking initiatives persisted
          adherence.                        their prior qualifications and professional   during the year under review, marked by
                                            experience. Additionally, the agreement   the launch of a historic Master’s Degree
          Elevating Standards               with CIPM aims to promote financial   in Public Financial Management aimed at
          During the year under review, CA   literacy and human resource management   fortifying the public sector. Additionally,
          Sri Lanka also issued the Sri Lanka   literacy among the professional   we also launched a Master of Business
          Accounting Standards Bound Volume,   community.                      Administration programme to further
          which consolidates all revised Accounting                            diversify our offerings and cater to broader
          Standards in accordance with the 2023   To enhance the corporate world and   professional needs of our members and
          edition of the International Financial   the professional landscape, 341 new   non-members residing both in Sri Lanka
          Reporting Standards (IFRS).       Chartered Accountants were granted the   and overseas.
                                            esteemed ACA designation in October,
          A highlight in global accounting standards   bringing the total number of Chartered   At CA Sri Lanka, we continuously
          occurred with the issuance of IFRS 17 –   Accountants produced to 8,164 by the end   empower our members through
          Insurance Contracts by the International   of 2023. During the Annual Convocation   comprehensive professional development
          Accounting Standards Board (IASB)   in 2023, CA Sri Lanka also launched the   initiatives and cutting-edge resources. In
          in May 2017, followed by subsequent   “President’s Award for Most Outstanding   2023, we introduced tailored programmes,
          amendments in June 2020. CA Sri Lanka   New Member” and “Youngest CA   including webinars and interactive forums,
          proactively led discussions with regulatory   Member of the Year” award for the first   to enhance skills and foster collaboration.
          bodies and industry stakeholders in   time in the institute’s history.    We also promoted work-life balance
                                                                               with recreational activities. Our goal is

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