Page 7 - CA Sri Lanka Integrated Annual Report 2023
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          For over six decades, the Institute of   As a globally recognised qualification,   Globally Aligned
          Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka   CA Sri Lanka’s active membership
          (CA Sri Lanka) has been a driving force   exceeding 6,000 professionals who excel
          in shaping the country’s accounting   in accounting, auditing and taxation has
          landscape. Established under the Institute   a vast knowledge and skills related to
                                                                                                Logo (Fonts): Telagrafico / Tagline - Univers Bold
          of Chartered Accountants Act No. 23   finance and innovative thinking. They are       PRINT    Pantone Coated  Pantone Uncoated
                                                                                                Process Colour
                                                                                                 CMYK 15/100/65/0  7426C  206U
          of 1959, CA Sri Lanka is dedicated to   influential leaders who serve a diversity     DIGITAL CMYK 0/0/0/50 / SILVER  SILVER  SILVER
          the advancement of the theory and   of sectors contributing towards the   SAFA         RGB 209/33/78
                                                                                                 RGB 150/150/150
          application of the discipline of Accounting.   successful achievement of the corporate
          As the exclusive authority for adopting   goals. CA Sri Lanka is proud to be the
          standards related to accounting and   premier national body for professional
          auditing in Sri Lanka, the Institute offers   accounting in Sri Lanka and the most
          top-notch qualifications in the country’s   preferred destination for accounting and
          tertiary education sector.  The Institute is   taxation education in the country. With an
          renowned for its expertise in accounting,   active student population of over 30,000
          auditing, taxation and corporate   aspiring Professional Accountants, CA Sri
          governance practices.             Lanka is committed to nurturing the next
                                            generation of accounting professionals
                                            who will continue to uphold the Institute’s
                                            legacy of excellence.

                     FINANCIALLY                      INTERLINKED FOR                       PATHS FOR
                    SUSTAINABLE                       VALUE CREATION                     CAREER GROWTH

                 Rs. 3,060 Mn                       Learning Partners                  Certified Business
                                                                                       Accountant (CBA)
               Total Accumulated Funds &
                      Reserves                      Approved Training                  Certified Corporate
                                                         Partners                      Accountant (CCA)
                 Rs. 3,736 Mn

                     Total Assets                  Practising Members                 Associate Chartered
                                                                                       Accountant (ACA)
                 Rs. 1,018 Mn                          Reciprocal
                                                                                       Fellow Chartered
                       Income                       Arrangements with                  Accountant (FCA)
                                                    Accounting Bodies
                 Rs. 280 Mn

                Income over Expenditure             Strategic Business
                       after Tax

          As at 31st December 2023

                 6,136                    31,639                     1,586                     350+

                Active Members          Active CA Students       SAB Campus Students         Other Students

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