Page 16 - CA Sri Lanka Integrated Annual Report 2023
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          Student Enrollment and Service Lounge   to CPD, ethical standards, industry   external partners, including the Sri
          in August 2023. Our focus on student-  engagement, and adaptability. These   Lanka Standards Institute, to deliver
          centricity ensures that the redesigned   strengths position CA Sri Lanka as   comprehensive training on 5S principles
          lounge serves as a comprehensive   a leader in professional accounting   and their practical implementation for our
          solution hub for both current and future   education and contribute to the success   staff to promote a culture of excellence
          Chartered Accountants. Equipped with   of its students and members in their   and continuous enhancement within CA
          informative LCD screens and user-friendly   careers.                 Sri Lanka.
          kiosks, our revamped reception ensures
          a seamless experience for students,   Empowering CA Staff            Embracing Tomorrow
          directing them to relevant divisions   The staff at CA Sri Lanka play a vital role   In the rapidly evolving landscape of the
          with ease. The modernised lobby offers   in driving the strategic direction set by   accounting profession, several key trends
          enhanced services, including career   the Council. Their dedication, expertise,   are continuing to reshape the profession
          guidance, to foster student engagement   and commitment are instrumental in   and the industry alike. Key among these
          and interaction.                  implementing and executing the council’s   are Automation and Artificial Intelligence
                                            vision and objectives. From administrative   (AI) which are revolutionising traditional
          Redefining Academic Education     support to programme coordination and   processes, streamlining tasks through the
          Renowned for its commitment to    operational management, the staff is a   adoption of technologies like AI and cloud
          advancing higher education, CA Sri Lanka   critical pillar in our institute, ensuring the   accounting, facilitating real-time access
          made significant strides in expanding its   smooth functioning of various initiatives   to data. Furthermore, the utilization of
          academic offerings with the introduction   and activities throughout the years.   data analytics and Business Intelligence
          of the Bachelor of Management Honours                                (BI) tools enables the extraction of
          in Business Analytics in July through   Their proactive approach, professionalism,   valuable insights from extensive datasets.
          our academic arm, the SAB Campus.   and collaborative efforts have undoubtedly   Amidst evolving standards, regulatory
          Furthermore, with a bold vision of   contributed significantly to the overall   compliance remains paramount, while
          empowering the next generation of   success and growth of the organisation,   sustainability and Environmental, Social,
          leaders in the South Asian region, the   and to ensure our staff continues to be   and Governance (ESG) reporting gain
          SAB Campus also made history by being   valued, the Institute, throughout the year   prominence. As a responsible professional
          one of the first Sri Lankan campuses to   under review, embarked on a journey   body that understands the importance
          spread its wings in the region by offering   filled with initiatives aimed at nurturing   of embracing change and moving to the
          its world-class degree programmes at   the growth and recognition of our   future, CA Sri Lanka has rolled out a series
          the Cambrian International Study Centre   valued employees in an effort to further   of initiatives to complement the evolving
          (CISC) in Bangladesh.             cultivate a cohesive, unified team that is   landscape.
                                            passionately aligned with the overarching
          New Code of Ethics for Mid-Level   objectives of CA Sri Lanka.       Appreciation
          Accountants                                                          I wish to express my sincere appreciation
          In 2023, CA Sri Lanka further bolstered   Further, recognising the importance of   for the invaluable guidance provided
          the integrity of the accounting profession   employee engagement, CA Sri Lanka   by the President and Members of the
          by introducing a tailored code of conduct   also organised the “Mind Masters Quiz   Council, along with the diligent efforts
          and ethics for mid-level professional   Competition” in November 2023 to foster   of numerous committees and dedicated
          accountants. The code, applicable to both   collaboration and team spirit and to   staff. Additionally, I extend my gratitude to
          Certified Business Accountants (CBAs)   celebrate the talent and achievements of   all members and students who serve as
          and Certified Corporate Accountants   our dedicated staff.           the primary stakeholders of our institute.
          (CCAs), aims to enhance the credibility of                           Your support, feedback, and active
          mid-level accountants produced by CA Sri   Policy and Process Improvement   participation are the cornerstone of our
          Lanka, totaling 6,238 CBAs and 43 CCAs.   In 2023, the Human Resource Division   institute’s success.
                                            took diligent efforts in refining policies
          Additionally, the Institute last year   and processes to foster a more organised   Together, we will continue to strive
          celebrated the milestone of awarding   and transparent work environment within   towards our shared goals with resilience
          over 1,600 scholarships through the CA   CA Sri Lanka. The reintroduction of the   and determination.
          Scholarship Programme, since the CA   Employee ID card system has ensured
          Foundation was established in 2010.  uniformity and professionalism across the
                                            organisation, reflecting our commitment
          CA Sri Lanka’s strengths lie in its   to standardization.            Asoka Piyadigama
          reputation, comprehensive curriculum,                                Chief Executive Officer - CA Sri Lanka
          practical skills development, global   To further enhance collaboration, the
          recognition, alumni network, commitment   HR division also collaborated with

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