Page 14 - CA Sri Lanka Integrated Annual Report 2023
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          to empower Chartered Accountants to   significant contributions, and thrive in the   Lanka, the Council has embarked on a
          ensure they continue to make a lasting   ever-evolving business landscape of the   new transformative journey, dedicated to
          impact in the business world and society.   21st century.            catalyzing meaningful change and shaping
                                                                               the future through a series of strategic
          Expanding Our Global Footprint    Aligned with modern needs, CA Sri   initiatives which will not only benefit our
          CA Sri Lanka has been known for decades   Lanka introduced on-demand computer-  members and student, but also the public
          for its thought leadership, and our National   based exams for the Business Level in   and nation as a whole.
          Conference, which is recognised as the   2023, providing students with enhanced
          country’s biggest annual business summit   flexibility in their examinations. In 2023,   Guided by the inspiring theme “FRONT,”
          is perfect proof of this. To reinforce this   we also saw a significant increase in   the vision of the Council will revolve
          standing, in 2023, we broke ground as   student enrollment, reaching a total of   around being future-ready, seizing
          CA Sri Lanka demonstrated its thought   7,655 registrations, the highest in seven   opportunities, nurturing change, and
          leadership on an international scale with   years. As of 31st December 2023, the   building trust. This presents another
          its inaugural conference in Dubai which   institute’s active student base stood at   opportunity for us to contribute to the
          attracted over 250 professionals from the   over 31,000. This surge also solidifies our   advancement and sustainability of both
          Middle East.                      position as the preferred destination for   our country and profession.
                                            accounting education in the country.
          Hot on the heels of a successful                                     A strong financial foundation is imperative
          international conference, CA Sri Lanka’s   Looking Beyond the Conventional   to serve the public interest, in light of the
          Australia Chapter also organised the   Norm                          volatile environment of recent years. The
          first-ever business forum in Melbourne,   The economic crisis, compounded by   challenges ahead may remain daunting,
          Australia, aimed to foster collaboration,   the global shift towards remote working   but so too are the opportunities. By
          enhance trade and investment between   has had a profound impact on Sri Lanka,   embracing the lessons learned from the
          Australia and Sri Lanka, and promote Sri   exacerbating the issue of brain drain. With   trials and tribulations of the past few
          Lanka as a preferred tourist destination.   remote working becoming more popular,   years, we can emerge stronger, more
          The event attracted over 75 Australian   more and more professionals have been   resilient, and more united than ever
          businesses, along with heads of   drawn to opportunities overseas by the   before.
          professional bodies, dignitaries, diplomats,   chance of improved work-life balance
          representatives from the media, and   and economic prospects. The substantial   Acknowledgement
          chambers of commerce.             talent exodus from Sri Lanka brought   Ultimately it is through the collective
                                            about by the economic crisis has had both   effort of our members, students, staff,
          To strengthen our global community   positives and negatives. As CA Sri Lanka   and stakeholders – that we unlock the
          of CA Sri Lanka members outside Sri   continues to create world-class talent, we   potential for progress, as we look to
          Lanka, in 2023, we expanded our global   believe our members are poised uniquely   effectively execute our strategy and tackle
          presence with new chapters in Canada   to explore new opportunities including   pressing challenges head-on.
          and the United Kingdom. The chapter   accounting as a service export. This will
          will support our members in furthering   not only support the increasing demand   Many of our initiatives would not have
          their knowledge and meeting CPD   for knowledge process outsourcing and   been possible if not for the guidance
          requirements.                     business process outsourcing but can also   of the members of the Council and the
                                            have a positive impact on our country and   committees, therefore, I wish to express
          Apart from showcasing and amplifying   its coffers.                  my gratitude for their leadership and
          the significant contributions made by CA                             voluntary contributions. I would also like
          Sri Lanka members to global businesses,   A Transformative Vision for the Future   to appreciate the CEO and staff of CA
          our overseas chapters can also foster   Chartered Accountants of CA Sri Lanka are   Sri Lanka for their dedication and hard
          strong bilateral ties by facilitating trade   known for their unique and versatile skills,   work, as well as acknowledge all other
          and investments between our nation and   and unwavering dedication to support   stakeholders of our Institute.
          the countries where our chapters are   businesses of all sizes. Our financial
          established.                      expertise has proved indispensable
                                            throughout as we have guided businesses
          Reinforcing the Future of Accounting   through the complexities of a volatile
          In our continuing efforts to empower   economic landscape, crafting strategic
          and strengthen future members of our   risk mitigation plans tailored to the fluid   Heshana Kuruppu
          profession, by 2025, we will introduce the   operating environment. To help strengthen   President – CA Sri Lanka
          new CA Sri Lanka Curriculum. The ultimate   the professional capabilities of our valued
          goal is to foster adaptable professionals   membership, who are also recognised
          who can navigate complexities, make   as the brand ambassadors of CA Sri

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