Page 10 - CA Sri Lanka Integrated Annual Report 2023
P. 10


                                                             2023     2022  Growth %
                                                                                       CA Students
          SOCIAL AND RELATIONSHIP CAPITAL                                              New Enrolments
                     No. of Active Members                   6,136    6,070     1%
                     Resident to Non-Resident Members        69:31    74:26           7,655
          Members    Practicing and Non-Practicing Members   10:90    10:90

                     New Admissions to ACA                    341       336     1%
                     Total CPD Programmes                     122       146    -16%
                     No. of Active Students                 31,639    30,444    4%
                     New Enrolments                          7,655    6,539    17%
                                                                                       SAB Campus
          CA Students  Renewal Rate (%)                        78       79             Graduated
                     Value of Scholarships (Rs.)            15,214    11,231   35%
                     No. of New Enrolments for Practical Training   4,086    3,445   19%  228

                     No. of Students                         1,586    1,413    12%
                     New Enrolments                           525       524     0%
          SAB Campus
                     Graduated                                228       343    -34%
                     No. of Intakes                             5        5        -

                     Approved Training Partners               962       909     6%
          Other      Learning Partners                         30       27     11%
          Partners   New MOUs with other Institutes             2        5     -60%
                     New MRAs with other Institutes             1        2     -50%
                                                                                       Human Capital
          HUMAN CAPITAL                                                                Male to Female Ratio
                     No. of Employees                          169      167     1%     53:47
                     Male to Female Ratio                   53 : 47    57 : 43

                     Income (Rs.)                         1,018,009    912,642   12%

                     Income over Expenditure After Tax (Rs.)   279,866    217,880   28%
                     Total Assets (Rs.)                  3,735,905  3,421,348   9%     CA Active Members
                     Accumulated Fund & Reserves (Rs.)   3,060,446   2,767,736   11%

                     Property, Plant & Equipment (Rs.)   1,299,598   1,277,394   2%
                     Depreciation (Rs.)                     61,301    60,133    2%
                     No. of Branches                            7        7      0%     Approved Training

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