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          2.5   Statement of Cash Flows     The following amendments to the Sri Lanka
          The statement of cash flows has been   Accounting Standards effective for annual
          prepared by using the 'Indirect Method' of   periods beginning on or after 1 January 2024
          preparing of cash flows in accordance with   are not expected to have a material effect on
          Sri Lanka Accounting Standard- LKAS 7 on   the financial statements of the Institute:
          'Statement of Cash Flows'. Cash and cash
          equivalents as referred to in the Statement   h    Classification of Liabilities as Current or
          of Cash Flows are comprised of those items   Non-current Liabilities with Covenants -
          as explained in Note 10.              Amendments to LKAS 1
                                            h    Supplier Finance Arrangements
          2.6   Capital Commitments and         (Amendments to LKAS 7)
                                            h    International Tax Reform—Pillar Two
          Contingencies are possible assets or   Model Rules - Amendments to LKAS 12
          obligations that arise from past events and
          would be confirmed only on the occurrence   h    Supplier Finance Arrangements -
          or non-occurrence of uncertain future events,   Amendments to SLFRS 7
          which are beyond the Institute’s control.
                                            h    Lease Liability in a Sale and Leaseback -
                                                Amendments to SLFRS 16
          Capital commitments and contingent
          liabilities of the Institute are disclosed in the
          respective notes to the financial statements.

          2.7   Events After the Reporting
          The materiality of events occurring after
          the reporting period has been considered
          and appropriate adjustments, wherever
          necessary, have been made to the financial
          2.8   Amendments to Accounting
               Standards issued but not yet
          The Institute has applied the following
          standards and amendments for the first time
          for its annual reporting periods commencing
          1 January 2023:

          h    Classification of Liabilities as Current or
             Non-current – Amendments to LKAS 1
          h    Disclosure Initiative: Accounting Policies
             - Amendments to LKAS 1 and SLFRS
             Practice Statement 2

          h    Definition of Accounting Estimates
             (Amendments to LKAS 8)
          h    Amendment to LKAS 12 – Deferred tax
             related to assets and liabilities arising
             from a single transaction.

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