Page 89 - 2596-CA SR Lanka- Annual Report 2022
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1.6.4  Responsibility and Approval of   a)   Defined Benefit Plans   (b)   Depreciation
               Financial Statements               The cost of the retirement benefit      Depreciation is calculated by
          The Council of The Institute of Chartered   plan of employees is determined   using a straight-line method on
          Accountants of Sri Lanka acknowledges   using Projected Unit Credit (PUC)   the cost of all property, plant and
          their responsibility for the financial   method. Such method involves      equipment, in order to write-off
          statements and financial statements were   use of assumptions concerning   such amounts over the estimated
          approved and authorised for issue by the   the rate of interest, rate of salary   useful life of such assets.
          Council at the meeting held on 27 March   increase and retirement age. Due
          2023.                                   to the long-term nature of the      The estimated useful lives of
                                                  plan, such estimates are subject to   assets are as follows;
          1.6.5  Materiality and Aggregation      significant uncertainty.
                                                                                Asset category   Useful life (years)
          Each material class of similar items is
          presented separately in the financial   b)   Estimating the Incremental   Buildings                50
          statements. Items of a dissimilar nature or   Borrowing Rate          Furniture                  5- 10
          function are presented separately, unless      As the Institute cannot readily   Plant and Machinery  5-10
          they are immaterial.                    determine the interest rate implicit   Motor vehicles      10
                                                  in the lease, it uses its incremental
          1.6.6  Functional and Presentation      borrowing rate (IBR) to measure   Computers                 5
               Currency                           the lease liabilities. IBR is rate of   Depreciation of an asset begins when it is
          The financial statements are presented in   interest that a lessee would have   available for use and ceases at the earlier
          Sri Lankan Rupees, which is the Institute’s   to pay to borrow similar facility   of the date that the asset is classified as
          functional and presentation currency, in   from a financial institution.  held for sale and the date that the asset is
          the primary economic environment in                                  derecognised.
          which the Institute operates.     c)    Changes in Accounting Estimates
                                                  and Judgments
                                                                               Significant items of property, plant and
          All financial information presented in      Any changes in accounting   equipment with different useful lives are
          Sri Lankan Rupees have been rounded     estimates and critical judgements   separately identified and depreciated.
          to the nearest thousand, unless stated   are disclosed in the relevant notes
          otherwise.                              to the financial statements.  Depreciation on property, plant and
                                                                               equipment purchased through restricted
          1.7   Significant Accounting Estimates   2.   Summary of Significant   funds is charged to the statement
               and Judgments                      Accounting Policies          of comprehensive income. The
          The preparation and presentation of   2.1   Assets and the Bases of Their   correspondent grant amount is amortised
          financial statements, in conformity with   Valuation                 over the useful life of the related asset.
          Sri Lanka Accounting Standards, requires   2.1.1  Property, Plant and Equipment
          Management to make judgments,     (a)   Basis of Recognition and     (c)   Right of Use Assets and Lease
          estimates and assumptions that affect   Measurement                        Liabilities
          the application of accounting policies and                           The Institute recognises a right-of-use
          reported amounts of assets, liabilities,      Property, plant and equipment   asset and a lease liability at the lease
          income and expenses. Actual results     are recognised if it is probable   commencement date. Right-of-use
          may differ from these estimates and     that future economic benefits   assets are measured at cost, less
          judgments used.                         associated with the asset will flow   any accumulated depreciation and
                                                  to the Institute and the cost of the   impairment losses, and adjusted for any
          Estimates and underlying assumptions are   asset can be measured reliably.  remeasurement of lease liabilities. The
          reviewed on an ongoing basis. Revisions      All property, plant and equipment   cost of right-of-use assets includes the
          to accounting estimates are recognised   are stated initially at cost and   amount of lease liabilities recognised,
          in the period in which the estimate is   subsequently measured at cost   initial direct costs incurred, and lease
          revised, if the revision affects only that   less accumulated depreciation and   payments made at or before the
          period or in the period of the revision and   any impairment losses. Repair and   commencement date less any lease
          future periods if the revision affects both   maintenance cost are recognised   incentives received. Right-of-use assets
          current and future periods.                                          are depreciated on a straight-line basis
                                                  in the statement of comprehensive
                                                  income as incurred. The carrying   over the shorter of the lease term and the
          Information about significant areas     value of property, plant and   estimated useful lives of the assets.
          of estimates, uncertainty and critical   equipment are reviewed for
          judgments in applying accounting policies   impairment when events or   The estimated useful lives of right of use
          that have the most significant effects on   changes in circumstances indicate   assets are as follows;
          the amounts recognised in the financial   that carrying value may not be
          statements is as follows.

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