Page 81 - 2596-CA SR Lanka- Annual Report 2022
P. 81



          The financial statements comprise the Statement of Financial Position
          (SOFP), Statement of Comprehensive Income (SOCI), Statement of
          Changes in Funds and Reserves (SOCFR), Statement of Cash Flows
          and Notes to the Financial Statements. These statements have been
          prepared in accordance with the Sri Lanka Accounting Standards
          (SLFRSs and LKASs) issued by The Institute of Chartered Accountants
          of Sri Lanka.

          These financial statements also include statements of financial position
          of F B Lander Prize Fund and Cyril E Begbie Memorial Prize Fund.
          The accounting policies used in the preparation of the financial
          statements are appropriate and are consistently applied by the Institute.
          There are no departures from the prescribed Accounting Standards in
          their adoption. Comparative information has been reclassified wherever
          necessary to comply with the current presentation.

          All significant accounting policies and estimates that involve a high
          degree of judgement and complexity were discussed with our External
          Auditor and the Governance and Audit Committee. We confirm that, to
          the best of our knowledge, the financial statements and other financial
          information included in this annual report, fairly present in all material
          aspects the financial position, results of operations and cash flows of
          the Institute as of, and for, the periods presented in this annual report.
          We have taken responsible measures to safeguard the assets of the
          Institute and, in that context, have established appropriate systems of
          internal control with a view to preventing and detecting fraud and other

          The financial statements were audited by Ms. M K K Karunaratne, FCA.

          Dulani Fernando
          Chief Executive Officer

          Lathika Wijayawardana
          Head of Finance

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