Page 39 - CA Sri Lanka Integrated Annual Report 2023
P. 39

Curriculum and Professional Development -
                       Continuously reviewing and updating the curriculum to   Opportunities
                       align with International Accounting Standards and Industry   h   Global recognition of qualifications
                       best practices, ensuring that CA Sri Lanka members are
                       well-prepared for the evolving demands of the profession.  h   Embracing digital transformation
                                                                        h   Expanding CPD programmes
                                                                        h   Strengthening international collaboration
                     Setting Standards - Playing a leading role in setting   h   Creating industry partnerships
                     Ethical and Professional Standards for the Accounting   h   Advancements in the secondary education
                     profession in Sri Lanka, ensuring that members adhere to   sector
                     the highest standards of integrity and professionalism.
                                                                        h   New opportunities for scholarship
                                                                           programmes, distance learning and
                        Driving Thought Leadership - Engaging in research,
                        publications and thought leadership initiatives to
                        advance the accounting profession and contribute
                        to the development of Accounting Knowledge and
                        Practices in Sri Lanka and beyond.

                                                   Manufactured Capital       Human Capital       Natural Capital

       h   Updated student   Strategic           h   Modernizing         h   Refining policies   h   Move into
          curriculum and    Partners                 hardware and           and processes to a      the paper-
          introduced new    h   APFASL and CIPFA     software systems,      more organized and      less process
          courses based on     (UK) formed a         upgrading network      transparent work        through more
          industry needs       strategic alliance,   capabilities and       environment.            digital-driven
          to enhance           extending the         implementing        h   Promoting              activities.
          employability.       MOU until 2025.       cutting-edge           collaboration and   h   Reducing
       h   CA Sri Lanka and   h   Collaborating with                        team spirit through     carbon
          ICAEW offer a dual   industry leaders,   h   Integrating new      programmes such as      footprint and
          membership scheme,   including the Sri     functionality on the   the “Mind Masters -     enhancing
          with 83 CA students   Lanka Institute of   TAGS platform to       Quiz Competition” .     digital
          registered by 2023.  Directors, to offer   enhance operational   h   Recognizing long-    efficiency by
       h   Introduced          insights into recent   efficiency and        service employees       implementing
                                                                                                    an e-business
          specialization courses   developments      ensuring smoother      who completed 25        card system
          in response to student   in reporting and   workflow and          years of dedicated      for CA staff.
          demand, with Data    finance.              better stakeholder     service.
          Analytics as the initial                   outcomes.           h   Employee
          offering to enhance                                               development through
                                                                            various training
       h   Scholarships for                                                 initiatives.
          aspiring chartered                                             h   All employees are
          accountants to                                                    afforded equal
          achieve  their                                                    opportunities.
          professional dream
          to become a world-                                             h   More concern about
          class chartered                                                   employee wellbeing.

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