Page 40 - CA Sri Lanka Integrated Annual Report 2023
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          Operating Environment

          Education Sector in Sri Lanka     In the 2021/2022 academic year,    sustainability reporting, talent development
          Sri Lanka continued to prioritize education   41,607 students were admitted to state   and client-centric service delivery were key
          as a fundamental pillar of its socio-  universities, reflecting the ongoing   areas of focus for accounting professionals
          economic development during the year   efforts to provide greater opportunities   in 2023. Sri Lankan firms prioritized
          under review. Despite challenges, such   for higher education. Similarly, for the   upskilling initiatives, compliance efforts and
          as lower expenditure on education as a   2022/2023 academic year, 42,147   client engagement strategies to remain
          percentage of GDP compared to regional   students were selected under the normal   competitive in the evolving business
          peers, efforts were made to enhance both   intake, underscoring the commitment to   landscape.
          secondary and tertiary education, ensuring   expanding access to tertiary education
          access, quality, and relevance to meet the   and accommodating the growing   Challenges Faced by Accounting
          needs of a rapidly evolving workforce.  demand among prospective students.   Professionals
                                            However, challenges such as a weak   However, amidst the opportunities
          Advancements in Secondary         tertiary enrollment rate (21%) and mixed   presented by these trends, accounting
          Education                         educational outcomes persist and require   professionals also encountered challenges
                                            continued attention and improvement
          The secondary education sector saw   strategies by the educational authorities.  in 2023. These included navigating the
          significant advancements in 2023,                                    complexities of regulatory compliance,
          with initiatives focused on improving   Expenditure on Education     managing cyber security risks in an
          infrastructure, expanding school networks,                           increasingly digital environment,
          and enhancing curriculum offerings.   Sri Lanka's education expenditure as a   addressing talent shortages and adapting
          Notable developments included the   percentage of GDP is lower than that   to the rapid pace of technological change.
          integration of technology in classrooms,   of its regional peers, yet it surpasses   Additionally, the transition to remote
          vocational education programmes and   South Asian benchmarks in literacy rates   work posed logistical and communication
          efforts to address regional disparities in   (98.8%) and primary (99%) and secondary   challenges for some firms, highlighting the
          educational access. However, challenges   (91%) enrollment rates. However, tertiary   importance of agile business practices and
          persist, including a shortage of subject-  enrollment remains low at 21%. Exam   robust infrastructure to ensure continuity
          specific teachers in rural areas, particularly   performance varies among students, with   and resilience.
          in English, science, and mathematics,   improvements needed in several key
          contributing to imbalanced educational   subjects. Disparities exist between national   The evolving dynamics in Sri Lanka's
          outcomes and raising concerns among   and provincial schools, exacerbated by   education sector and the global trends in
          stakeholders about future impact of such   teacher shortages in rural areas, especially   the accounting profession have profound
          shortcomings.                     in critical subjects. In 2021, the central   implications for the Chartered Accountants
                                            government allocated Rs. 158.4 billion to   (CAs) affiliated with CA Sri Lanka. As the
          Transformation in Tertiary Education  education, a 2.3% nominal decline from   education landscape undergoes significant
                                            2020 but a 4.3% increase from 2019.   advancements aimed at enhancing access,
          The tertiary education landscape witnessed   From 2015 to 2021, budget allocations   quality, and relevance, CA Sri Lanka plays
          significant transformations, with a focus   grew by 58%, with significant increases in   a crucial role in ensuring that its members
          on aligning higher education with market   revised and actual expenditure, adjusted for   are equipped with the necessary skills and
          demands, fostering research and innovation   inflation.              knowledge to adapt to these changes. The
          ecosystems and enhancing access to                                   institution must prioritize initiatives to align
          diverse student populations. Initiatives   Accounting Profession     its curriculum with the evolving needs of
          such as scholarship programmes, distance                             the accounting profession, incorporating
          learning opportunities and academic-  Global Trends in Accounting    topics such as technological integration,
          industry collaborations were prioritized   Globally, the accounting profession   regulatory compliance, sustainability
          to cater to evolving student needs and   experienced profound changes in 2023   reporting and data analytics.
          aspirations.                      driven by technological integration,
                                            regulatory compliance, sustainability
          Description              Number   reporting, remote work practices, and   Additionally, CA Sri Lanka needs to
          No. of students who sat for the   274,304  data analytics. These trends reshaped the   emphasize upskilling programmes to
          2022 A/L Exam                     profession, requiring accounting firms   address talent shortages and enable its
                                                                               members to navigate the complexities of
          No. eligible for university   166,967  and professionals to adapt to a digital-first   regulatory compliance and cyber security
          admission                         environment, embrace innovation, and   risks effectively. By fostering a culture of
          No. who applied for admission  84,176  deliver value-added services to clients.  continuous learning and innovation, CA Sri
          No. admitted in 2021/2022   41,607                                   Lanka can empower its members to thrive
          academic year                     Local Dynamics in Sri Lanka        in the rapidly evolving business landscape
          No. selected under normal   42,147  In Sri Lanka, accounting firms navigated   and uphold the highest standards of
          intake for 2022/2023              local dynamics while embracing global   professionalism and service delivery.
                                            trends in the profession. Technological
                                            integration, regulatory changes,

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