Page 85 - 2596-CA SR Lanka- Annual Report 2022
P. 85


          For the year ended 31 December                                                        2022       2021
                                                                          Note     Page No    Rs.'000    Rs.'000

          Income                                                            18        106     912,642    852,599

          Expenditure                                                       18        106     (394,112)   (298,338)

          Net income before employee costs and operating expenses                             518,530    554,261

          Other income
          Other operating income                                            19        106       2,036      1,481
         Operating income                                                                     520,566    555,742
         Operating expenses
         Employee costs                                                     20        106     (296,354)   (253,140)
         Maintenance of premises                                            21        106      (39,388)   (30,227)
         Depreciation and amortisation                                      22        107      (86,294)   (86,557)
         Other expenses                                                     23        107      (58,142)   (41,466)
         Total operating expenses                                                             (480,178)   (411,390)
         Net operating income                                                                  40,388    144,352

         Income from grants and other restricted funds                     12.1       102       4,376      5,089
          Contribution to designated funds                                 11.1       101      (25,551)   (23,779)
          Transfers to restricted funds and grants                         12.1       102       (2,593)     (917)
          Contribution to endowment funds                                   13        104        (313)      (116)
                                                                                               (24,081)   (19,723)

          Finance income                                                   24.1       107     243,586     89,095
          Finance cost                                                     24.2       107       (8,528)    (5,437)
          Income over expenditure for the year before tax                                     251,365    208,287

          Income tax expense                                                25        107      (33,485)   (23,080)

          Income over expenditure for the year after tax                                       217,880    185,207

          Other comprehensive income
          Items that will not be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss
          Actuarial gain/ (loss) on defined benefit obligation             14.1       104       6,117      4,345

          Total comprehensive income for the year after tax                                   223,997    189,552

          The accounting policies and notes on pages 86 to 110 form an integral part of these Financial Statements.

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