Page 83 - 2596-CA SR Lanka- Annual Report 2022
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disclosures in the financial statements
             or, if such disclosures are inadequate, to
             modify my opinion . My conclusions are
             based on the audit evidence obtained
             up to the date of my auditor’s report.
             However, future events or conditions
             may cause the Institute to cease to
             continue as a going concern.
          •   Evaluate the overall presentation,
             structure and content of the financial
             statements, including the disclosures,
             and whether the financial statements
             represent the underlying transactions
             and events in a manner that achieves
             fair presentation.

          Report on Other Legal and Regulatory
          I communicate with those who charged with
          governance regarding, among other matters,
          the planned scope and timing of the audit
          and significant audit findings, including any
          significant deficiencies in internal controls
          that I identify during the audit.

          Ms. M.K.K. Karunaratne
          Chartered Accountant

          27 March 2023

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