Page 81 - CA Sri Lanka Integrated Annual Report 2023
P. 81


          Accountability                     Committee members                     Attendance of meetings held
          Preparation of Financial Statements  1. Mr. R. N. Asirwatham (Chairman)  6 out of 6
          The Financial Statements of the Institute   2. Mr. Nirmal Fernando       6 out of 6
          have been prepared in accordance with   3. Mr. Nanda Bandara             5 out of 6
          the Sri Lanka Accounting Standards   4. Mr. T. Someswaran                2 out of 6
          issued by the Institute. The Annual Report   5. Mr. Mohan Abeynaike      5 out of 6
          Task Force reviews the presentation   6. Ms. Shamura Hadgie              4 out of 6
          and disclosure of the Annual Report.   7. Ms. Coralie Pietersz           2 out of 6
          The Governance and Audit Committee   8. Mr. B. E. Wijesuriya             6 out of 6
          (GAC) reviews and submits the financial
          statements to the Council for approval   Risk Management and Internal Control  Review of External Auditor - GAC
          and publication. The Financial Statements   External Auditors are appointed by the   assessed the performance and
          are certified by the Head of Finance and   Council based on the recommendations   effectiveness of the External Auditor’s
          Chief Executive Officer and approved by   of the Governance and Audit Committee   independence, professional capabilities
          the Council.                      and are changed every five years. GAC   and made recommendations to the
                                            reviews the external audit process without   Council for the re-appointment. The
          Internal Controls                 hindering independence and ensures that   audited Financial Statements are
          The effectiveness of the Institute’s system    the internal audit is carried out in line with    discussed with External Auditors and
          of internal controls is evaluated through   the  Institute’s requirements.  GAC provided assurance to the Council
          reports provided by the Internal Auditor                             that they were in conformity with the Sri
          and the External Auditor. The internal   Code of Best Practice and Ethics  Lanka Accounting Standards and other
          audit is outsourced under the review of   The following key controls and procedures   regulatory requirements.
          CA Internal Auditor to Messrs. Tudor V.   are in place to ensure adherence to Code
          Perera & Company, a firm of Chartered   of Best Practice and Ethics:  Assurance
          Accountants, who submit their findings to                            The Governance and Audit Committee is
          the GAC quarterly. Important observations   Periodic Reporting Requirements - In   satisfied that the accounting policies and
          are reported to the Council.      order to strengthen the good governance,   operational controls provide reasonable
                                            periodic reports are prepared and   assurance that the affairs of the Institute
          Governance and Audit Committee    submitted for review.              are prudently managed and the Institute’s
          GAC is an independent audit and                                      assets are properly accounted for and
          governance committee that has been   h   Monthly financial statements are   adequately safeguarded.
          established  by the Council to facilitate   presented to the Council through the
          oversight responsibilities and the integrity   Finance and Administration (F&A)
          of the Financial Statements, compliance   Committee.
          with internal control and regulatory   h   Annual financial statements are   Mr. Lakshman Athukorala
          requirements, make recommendations    prepared and presented to the
          regarding appointment of Internal     Council and published in the   Chairman - Governance and Audit
          and External Auditors, review the     government gazette and also    Committee
          Internal Auditor’s and External Auditor’s   furnished to the subject Minister.
          performance and conduct an independent                               25 March 2024
          review of the internal audit function.  h   Quarterly Internal Audit Reports are
                                                submitted to the GAC and highlights
          Although the operations of the Institute   are reported to the Council.
          does not inherit a significant risk of related
          party transactions such matters are
          monitored through its internal controls and
          procurement process.

          The GAC meetings were held for the year
          2023 under the Chairmanship of Mr. R. N.
          Asirwatham and attendance for the year
          are as follows:

                                                                          CA Sri Lanka Integrated Annual Report 2023  79
   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86