Page 114 - CA Sri Lanka Integrated Annual Report 2023
P. 114


          31.1.1  Maximum exposure to credit risk
          The maximum risk exposure of financial assets which are generally subject to credit risk are equal to their carrying amounts.
          Carrying Value as at 31 December                                                   2023          2022
                                                                                           Rs.'000       Rs.'000
          Fixed deposits                                                                   278,360        87,544
          Treasury bonds                                                                  1,681,519     1,438,665
          Loans and receivables                                                            213,841       226,678
          Treasury bill re-purchase agreements                                              49,017        80,029
          Maximum exposure to credit risk                                                 2,222,737    1,832,916

          31.1.2  Risk response to credit risk
          To minimise the credit risk fixed deposits are held with state owned banking institutions.
          Carrying Value as at 31 December                                                   2023          2022
                                                                                           Rs.'000       Rs.'000
          Government securities and related institutions
          Treasury Bonds                                                                  1,681,519     1,438,665
          Reverse repurchase agreements                                                     49,017        80,029
          Fixed deposits                                                                   278,360        87,544

          Loans and receivables                                                            213,841       226,678
          Maximum exposure to credit risk                                                 2,222,737    1,832,916

          31.2  Liquidity risk
          Liquidity risk is the risk that the Institute may not have sufficient liquid funds to meet its obligations when they fall due.
          The Institute is managing the liquidity risk by ensuring that there will always be sufficient liquidity to meet its liabilities when due without
          incurring unacceptable damages to the Institute’s reputation.
          Maturity analysis of financial assets and liabilities
          Description                  On Demand     Less than      3 to 12      2 to 3   More than        Total
                                                     3 months      months        years       3 years
                                           Rs.’000     Rs.’000      Rs.’000     Rs.’000      Rs.’000     Rs.’000
          Financial assets
          Receivables                       28,135      167,046          -            -           -      195,181
          Loans and advances to staff           -        2,244        5,889      10,249         278       18,660
          Fixed deposits                        -            -      128,360           -      150,000     278,360
          Treasury Bonds                        -            -           -            -      1,681,519    1,681,519
          Cash and cash equivalents        117,589           -           -            -           -       117,589
                                           145,724     169,290      134,249      10,249    1,831,797    2,291,309

          Financial liabilities
          Lease liability                       -        (6,910)     (17,160)    (35,808)         -       (59,878)
          Payables                         (50,662)          -           -            -           -       (50,662)
                                           (50,662)      (6,910)     (17,160)    (35,808)         -      (110,540)

          Net financial assets              95,062     162,380      117,089      (25,559)   1,831,797    2,180,769
          31.3  Market risk
          Market risk is the risk that changes in interest rates which will affect the Institute’s income or the value of its holding of financial instruments.
          The Institute manages and controls the market risk exposure within acceptable parameters, while optimising the return.
          The Institute’s market risk exposure is minimal.

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