Page 109 - CA Sri Lanka Integrated Annual Report 2023
P. 109

14.4  Maturity Profile of the defined benefit obligation
          Future working life time                                                      Defined benefit obligation
          As at 31 December                                                                  2023          2022
                                                                                           Rs.'000       Rs.’000

          Within next 12 months                                                              5,245         6,076
          Between 1 to 5 years                                                              13,778        13,033
          Between 5 to 10 years                                                              7,908         4,632
          Beyond 10 years                                                                    2,225         1,333
          Total                                                                             29,156        25,074
          Weighted Average duration of Defined Benefit Obligation is 4 years (2022 - 3.6 years).

          15  LEASE LIABILITY
          As at 31 December                                                                  2023          2022
                                                                                           Rs.'000       Rs.’000

          Payable within one year                                                           24,070        25,441
          Payable after one year                                                            35,808        58,471
          Total                                                                             59,878        83,912

          As at 31 December                                                                  2023          2022
                                                                                           Rs.'000       Rs.’000
          Accrued charges                                                                   94,938       124,192
          Payables                                                                         50,662         38,008
          Refundable deposits                                                                  50            50
          Advances received                                                                241,389        217,440
          Total                                                                            387,039       379,690
          17  INCOME TAX PAYABLE

          As at 31 December                                                                  2023          2022
                                                                            Note           Rs.'000       Rs.’000
          Balance brought forward                                                           18,291         6,509

          Charge for the year                                               25              54,961        33,485
          Total payable                                                                     73,253        39,994

          Tax paid during the year                                                          (47,753)      (21,703)
          WHT paid                                                                            (563)            -
          Income tax payable                                                                24,937        18,291

          Income tax receivable                                                               (958)         (958)
          Net income tax payable                                                            23,979         17,333

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