Name of the Organization: * |
Email :*
Address of Registered Office :* |
Contact details - Telephone No 1 : |
Telephone No 2 : |
Date Commencement Practice :
Name of Precedent Partner or Partner in-charg:
Date of Intermediate/ Certificate Level approval:
Details of work in hand (Please provide as an attachment with the following details ) :
(i) Categories of undertakings - Clients Names and Nature of Business :*
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(ii) Nature of Assignments (Audit, Tax, Accountancy, Management Consultancy, Information Technology, Financial Advisory Services, Company Secretarial Services etc
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(a) Are there computer facilities on site ? |
Which functions are they used to perform ? |
What are the Accounting Packages in use? |
Will students have regular use of computer facilities ? |
What are the arrangements in force to ensure that the students meet the market required skill in IT and communication ? |
IT |
Communication Skills |
Does the organization provide training in Professional ethics to students ?If yes, please explain
(a) Do students have ready access to a Technical Library ? If yes, give brief description. |
(b) Are the Institute's documents including education and training circulars available ? |
(c) Are students aware of the Institute website ? |
Do they have facility to view that? |
Annual Turnover : |
(i) Achieved annual Turnover |
(ii) Anticipated annual Turnover
within the next one year? |
Rs :
Rs :
No. of certificate level trainees at present: |
What are the special arrangements to provide on advanced training for Strategic Level trainees? |
No. of students you are willing to offer training facilities at present |
Business Registration No. of public practice organization |
Date Registered |
Attach a photocopy of registration certificate *
Click on the text area to select a file. Please only upload pdf, doc, docx file types. Maximum file size is limited to 5MB. |
In the event you are a sole practitioner what arrangements had been made in the event of any prolonged absence of unforeseen circumstance ? |
Are you agreeable for a periodic review of the Training Organization on the basis determined by the Institute ? |
Upload Signature of Precedent Partner/ or Partner in-charge*
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Upload the Seal of the Company *
Click on the text area to select a file. Please only upload pdf, doc, docx file types. Maximum file size is limited to 5MB. |
Upload Addendum I*
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Upload Addendum II *
Click on the text area to select a file. Please only upload pdf, doc, docx file types. Maximum file size is limited to 5MB. |
Upload Addendum III*
Click on the text area to select a file. Please only upload pdf, doc, docx file types. Maximum file size is limited to 5MB.