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CA Sri Lanka

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Team Performance Men-2011/12 Women-2011/12
Winner Jayasinghe & Co Jayasinghe & Co
Runners Up BDO Partners Aiyar & Co


The Men's Marathon will start at 6.30 am (or any other time specified at the weekly meeting prior to the event) and the women's marathon will follow after 20 minutes.

All participants are required to be present 30 minutes prior to the start of the marathon

All participants are required collect their individual identification number for the marathon before 6.15 am to avoid any inconvenience. The PACSS committee will announce the deadline for issuing the numbers.

Men's and women's marathon will follow the routes indicated in Appendix 2 an 3 respectively. Any deviation to the route will be indicated to all participants in the weekly meeting or prior to the commencement of the race.

Normal rules pertaining to the relevant sport will be enforced.

Points for the marathon will be allocated as follows

Place Points
1st 20
2nd 10
3rd 15
4th 5
5th 3
6th 2
7th 2
8th 1
9th 1
10th 1


‘Fusion’ Business Magazine, a publication of PACSS, is published in line with the Students’ Conference. The primary objective of this magazine is to encourage students to contribute articles of their choice and it provides an excellent opportunity for students to express their views and opinions. Further, newsletter of the society is circulated annually amongst all registered students of the ICASL which includes useful information such as syllabus change, training requirements, examination calendar etc.