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General FAQ

The following persons shall be eligible for membership of the Institute subject to the provisions as to disenrollment.

  • A person who passes the qualifying examinations for membership and completes a scheme of practical training approved by the Council. A Viva-voce interview is held prior to admission to the Associate Membership.
  • A person who is a member of any approved society or institute of accountants and considered of equivalent status to the Institute.

A person eligible for membership of the Institute should pay a prescribed fee to the Council on enrollment as a member.

The Association of Public Finance Accountants of Sri Lanka (APFASL) – the Public Sector Wing of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka (CA Sri Lanka) has since inception played a pioneering role by launching several initiatives to strengthen the Public Financial Management Practices in Sri Lanka.

Public Financial Management Qualifications and Membership offered by APFASL:

Chartered Institute of Public Finance Accountant (CIPFA), UK Membership Category

The candidates who have earned a bachelor’s degree/Intermediate qualification/ professional qualification or an equivalent qualification with two years of experience in the public sector are eligible for the Affiliate membership of CIPFA (UK).

The Associate Public Finance Accountant (APFA) and Fellow Public Finance Accountant (FPFA) are eligible to apply for the CIPFA(UK) Affiliate Membership and they are allowed to use designatory letters 'CIPFA(UK) Affiliate' for as long as they continue membership.

Chartered Public Finance Accountants (CPFA) Membership Category

The candidates who have earned the (CPFA) Professional Accountancy Qualification including their practical experience requirements are eligible to apply for local Chartered Public Finance Accountant (CPFA) and CIPFA(UK) Memberships.

Once membership is granted, the members can use the designatory letters ‘CPFA’ (Chartered Public Finance Accountant) for as long as they continue membership.

Pathway to Become a CPFA

You need to obtain the Academic Transcript and a Letter of Good Standing to claim exemptions from other foreign professional bodies.

Letter of Good standing will be issued by the Member Relations Division within one working day.

Academic Transcripts are prepared by the Examinations Division. You need to log-in to your account and make the request & payment online. Thereafter the request will be processed by the Examinations Division and will take minimum 7 working days for the process.

The Institute is a member of International Federation of Accountants (IFAC), the Confederation of Asian and Pacific Accountants (CAPA) and is a Founder member of the South Asian Federation of the Accountants (SAFA). The Institute also enjoys a reciprocal agreement with the Institute of Chartered Accountants of England and Wales (ICAEW) & CPA Australia.

The enrolment of a member shall be effective until the thirty-first day of December of the year of enrolment, annually renewable by 31st December of every preceding year. You may the pay the renewal subscription fee online through credit card or at the CA institute with the relevant renewal form.

If membership has lapsed, you need to pay a restoration fee of LKR 7000.00/- and the membership fee for each outstanding year.

You need to submit an application to the Member Relations Division, if you meet the below criteria.

1. Associate member (ACA) with a good standing for 5 years or more
2. Comply with CPD requirements for the preceding 5 years.

However, under the Special Fellowship Scheme, an ACA having 15 years continuous membership with a good career progression is eligible to apply.

  1. Directory of Members and Practicing firms
  2. The Abacus
  3. Members Identity Card
  4. Special Life Insurance scheme
  5. Personalized Corporate card from HNB
  6. CPD events on current and vital subjects
  7. Social/ Entertainment events

Yes, there is a concessional rate for members over 55 years of age and have retired from practice and other business activities. This fee is subject to change annually. The renewal fee for the year 2018 is Rs. 1200/-.

You can contact the Member Relations to get the relevant amount for the year.

A member should have completed two (2) years of Final/Strategic/Corporate Level of training at a Firm of Practicing Accountants after completing the Final I Exam or both Strategic /Business Level examination and Strategic/Business Level Practical training in order to apply for a practicing certificate.

An application should be submitted along with the relevant applicable fee to the Member Relations Division. The certificate will be processed within a month. Each certificate is renewable by 31 December of every year.

Members have the opportunity to become actively involved by participating in committees, which are formed to develop policies, seek views on various issues, draw on members’ technical expertise and handle disciplinary matters apart from numerous other tasks. You may find the list of committees on each year annual report with the respective committee Chairman.


Call Member Relations

T: +94 112 502077