The increasing need for accountants including mid-level accounting professionals to cultivate their communication and public speaking skills was highlighted recently at the 7th Installation Ceremony of the CBA Toastmasters Club of CA Sri Lanka.
Chief guest at the installation ceremony, Mr. Manil Jayesinghe, President of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka (CA Sri Lanka), elaborated that while technical skills are a fundamental requirement of an accounting professional, communication is also an equally mandatory skill for accountants.
“If you are to be successful, and if you are to lead your corporate and country to success, you must be willing to be a future ready professional who possess the ability to play multiple roles from interpreting numbers, to providing insight and being actively involved in decision-making and communicating your decisions effectively,” he told the gathering comprising of Certified Business Accountants (CBAs).
Mr. Jayesinghe said that CBAs who are mid-level accountants are important for any organisation, as they help businesses maintain high standards with their technical expertise. “It is also very encouraging to note that there is an increasing demand by SMEs for mid-level accountants such as CBAs produced by CA Sri Lanka,” he added.
The CBA Faculty of CA Sri Lanka has been continuously engaging in developing the soft skills of CBA members to enhance the role they play amidst a challenging work environment. The CBA Toastmasters Club was initiated to facilitate CBAs to develop their communication and leadership skills with an internationally tested, proven and recognised development programme of Toastmasters International.
The guest of honour at the installation ceremony was DTM Noorul Munawara, District Director, while Mr. Saman Sirilal, Council Member and Chairman of the Education & Curriculum Development Committee of CA Sri Lanka and Ms. Dulani Fernando, Chief Executive Officer of CA Sri Lanka were the special invitees.
The following officers were appointed to the Executive Committee of the CBA Toastmasters Club for 2020/2021:
- TM Ranjith Premathilaka, President
- TM Nayana Dharmaratne, Vice President - Education
- TM Sarath Kumara, Vice President - Membership
- TM Sahan Srimali Somarathne, Vice President - Public Relations
- TM Sandun Mendis, Secretary
- TM M.C.D. Nuwan Nishantha, Treasurer
- TM Amani Jayasinghe, Sergeant at Arms

· CA Sri Lanka President Mr. Manil Jayesinghe delivering his speech.