President of the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC), the global body of the accounting profession Ms. Rachel Grimes will arrive in Sri Lanka in July on a four day visit from 4th to 7th July extended to her by the Sri Lankan IFAC member bodies which includes the countries three national professional accountancy organisations; the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka (CA Sri Lanka), Institute of Certified Management Accountants of Sri Lanka (CMA Sri Lanka) and the Association of Accounting Technicians of Sri Lanka (AAT Sri Lanka).
Her visit will strengthen the global recognition to the Sri Lankan accounting profession and will be a boost to ‘Creating a Profession Par Excellence’ a strategic initiative launched by the three professional accountancy organisations (PAOs), which aims to further strengthen the accounting profession across the country.
CA Sri Lanka, CMA Sri Lanka and AAT Sri Lanka are members of IFAC, which is the global organization of the accountancy profession dedicated to serving the public interest by strengthening the profession and contributing to the development of strong international economies. IFAC comprises of over 175 members and associates in more than 130 countries and jurisdictions, representing almost 3 million accountants in public practice, education, government service, industry, and commerce.
President of the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) Ms. Rachel Grimes |
During her stay in Colombo, Ms. Grimes will attend a series of high level meetings and events hosted by the three PAOs. She will also meet with members of the accounting profession, regulators as well as policy makers.
On 04th July 2018, Ms. Grimes will be hosted to a welcome dinner organised jointly by CA Sri Lanka, CMA Sri Lanka and AAT Sri Lanka. The dinner will be attended by top government officials, corporate leaders, regulators and accountants. She will also preside at an interactive session attended by students of the three PAOs.
On 05th July 2018, the IFAC president will be a distinguished invitee at the inauguration of the CMA Sri Lanka Global Management Accounting Conference where she will deliver the keynote address. She will also participate at several sessions of the conference, including its technical sessions. In the evening of the 5th Ms. Grimes will be the special guest at the CMA Excellence in Integrated Reporting Awards 2018, where she will deliver the Key Note Address and distribute the Awards.
On 06th July 2018, Ms. Grimes will speak at a CEOs’ breakfast meeting organised by CA Sri Lanka, which will be attended by countries top c-suite executives. The visiting IFAC president will later meet with members of CA Sri Lanka for tea where matters pertaining to the profession will be discussed at length. She is also scheduled to meet with learning partners of CA Sri Lanka on the same day. In the evening of the 6th Ms. Grimes will be the Chief Guest at the induction ceremony of the 10th President of AAT Sri Lanka.
On 07th July 2018, Ms. Grimes will attend meetings with leaders of the three accounting bodies before departing from Sri Lanka.